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Ice Cub was in the Snowmobile looking for Romeo.

Ice Cub:Where can he be?he asked himself while trying to get his scent to track down.

Ice Cub:He's gonna pay for what he did to Lilyfay.he started to tighten his grip on the steering.

His nose started to twitch a little which made him suddenly stopped the Snowmobile.

Ice Cub:Got his scent.he looked to the right where he can smell Romeo's scent better.

He turned the Snowmobile to the right and started to drive, suddenly a ringing sound was playing on the vehicle and seen it was the other Pj Masks trying to call him.

Ice Cub was about to answer but he decided not to and to just keep driving and finding Romeo.

Ice Cub Thoughts:I will take care of this on my own...he said in his head as he let out a small sigh.

*with Owlette and Gekko*

Owlette and Gekko were in the Owl-Glider trying to call Ice Cub in the Owl-Glider.

Owlette:He's not picking up.

Gekko:He's also not picking up his communicator either.he tried to call him with the communicators.

Owlette:Catboy having any luck calling Ice Cub?she called him and he picked up.

Catboy:No he isn't picking up my calls so it looks like we're just gonna have to find him the hard way.

Bastet:I could just find him by using my Sun Disc by myself you know.

Catboy:No it's sorta too risky it's better if we stay in groups.

Bastet:Fine...she pouted.

Newton Star:I wonder why Ice Cub decided to go alone and take on Romeo by himself.Everyone started to wonder while Gekko sorta might know why.

Gekko:Maybe it has to do something with Lilyfay cause you know he like like her...he said kinda feeling guilty for revealing that.

Owlette:Well that makes.

Bastet:It does explain alot.

Catboy:Wait you guys aren't shock from that?

Owlette:We're girls Catboy we know when something is going on between people and their relationships, also you knew two and never told us especially me!?she started to put the pieces together cause Catboy wasn't that shock when Gekko said that.

Catboy:Umm...bro code?...he tried to make a excuse.

Owlette:Sure.she rolled her eyes.

Newton Star:HOLD ON...ICE CUB HAD A LIKES LILYFAY!?!?Newton Star said completely shocked not knowing.

Bastet:There there.she pat his shoulder.

Owlette:Anyways let's just focus on finding Ice Cub and-

Gekko:OWLETTE LOOK!!!she shook her and pointed towards the purple beam that is aiming right at the Owl-Glider which hits it and they start falling down and screaming.

Catboy:What's happening guys!?when he look at the screen and seen static and the audio is glitching out.


The Owl-Glider signal then went down.


Newton Star:What happened!?

Catboy:Whatever happened it can't be good.he start to step on the gas to make the Cat-Car go faster but suddenly it stopped.

Bastet:Catboy is something wrong?

Catbot:Yeah the Cat-Car suddenly stopped it's not moving.

Newton Star:Maybe it's out of gas?Catboy exit the Cat-Car to see what's the problem.

He started to examine the Cat-Car and looked at the tires and his eyes opened wide.

Catboy:Wait it minute is that-

Suddenly Bastet and Newton Star heard a grunting sound as the Cat-Car started to shake a little.

Bastet:Catboy what happened?her and Newton Star exit the Cat-Car but didn't see him in plain sight.

Newton Star:Catboy?

Catboy:Guys!he called them from behind.

When they look they seen Catboy sticky splatted to the Cat-Car.

Newton Star and Bastet:CATBOY!!!

Catboy:GUYS RUN!!!he demanded them to run.

Suddenly they were lots of shadows behind them and when they look back their faces were in shock as the shadows ambushes them.

a space fairy and a ice bearWhere stories live. Discover now