With the sofa practically calling my name, I dove into it as I smothered myself with the silk pillows.

"You don't even look like you want hot men to dance on you," Edith commented, taking a seat next to my laying body. "You look drained."

"It was that boy in the library," I joked. "Wore me out a little."

"Almost forgot about your disappearance for a couple of hours," she replied. "What did you even do with him? Did you get his name?"

I flipped from my stomach to my back and stacked another pillow beneath my head enough to see Edith at the edge of the couch. She removed her earrings and placed them on the coffee table. "I didn't get his name, no. But he wanted my name so badly."

"So he doesn't know who you are?" she asked. I shook my head with a cocky smile. "Vivi, oh Vivi. I bet you had a little power trip."

"I initiated it all," I replied. "But he was looking first. Like, Edith, the way he was looking at me-I really felt like he was trying to read me or something. The man was so sophisticated and elegant and smooth. He knew how to finger! It was all natural. And don't even get me started on the size of his dick."

"I cannot believe you didn't get his name!" she groaned. "What did he look like?"

"We had our masks on," I giggled. "So, I don't entirely know what he truly looks like. Physically, I could feel he had muscle. The way he was literally pounding me told me all I needed to know about his athleticism. He had the sharpest green eyes I've ever seen. Amazing kisser. Pretty tall. Smelled so good."

"Must be the pheromones," Edith stated as she took out a cigarette from her handbag. "You have the ultimate game. Even with a mask on, you managed to have sex with a random hottie in your library." She lit her cigarette and inhaled. Exhaling, she spoke, "And that isn't even the first time you brought someone to that library of yours to shag."

"It has to be the pheromones," I added. "I feel like I may have scared him away, though. He may never return."

"Why do you say that?" Edith asked.

"He came on his hand and I told him that he could've come in me because I have a copper IUD," I said through my chuckles. "Do you think that scared him away?"

Edith's jaw dropped. "You cannot be talking like that to your potential customers! Vivi, you are very bad."

"I cannot be fucking my potential customers, yet here I am," I sat up, "Plus, I've already told myself I wouldn't see him again. He was talking about buying the manor, but I doubt it considering he was all alone with no family."

"All alone with no family. So, what, you're saying he came alone?"

I nodded. "He said he wanted to purchase this estate for some sort of getaway home."

"Wait, this is the man with the four brooches right?" queried Edith. I nodded once more. "Do you remember what bloodlines he had?"

"No," I said flatly. "Don't really care, honestly."

"Well, you should!" Edith exclaimed. "Two brooches, I get it. Three, okay. But four brooches are insanity. Do you remember what they look like?"

"A little bit," I replied, toying with the crystals on my dress. Feeling rather uncomfortable in this tight-fitting dress, I decide to remove it right here. I get up from the couch and start unzipping my dress. "If Twitchen has any more brooches, I could probably point them out." With ease, I step out of the dress that pooled at my legs and laid right back down.

"Twitchen! Are you here?" Edith called out, her voice echoing. "Twitchen!"

"I'm right here, Ms. Nott," Twitchen came waddling from the foyer. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

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