chapter 3 : Homecoming III

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"He is probably busy addressing the guests," said Shruti. "Did something happen, Mom?"

"I think Mr. Mehra isn't feeling well so I wanted Ashutosh to check on him," said Parvati.

"Okay, I am calling Ashutosh."

"On second thought, I will go check on him, it would be easier to talk to him in silence, away from this noise."


Parvati takes a few steps forward but stops and goes back to Shruti. "Do I look fine? I don't look tired like I was in the morning."

"Mom, You look gorgeous."

Parvati makes her way upstairs to Suyash's room.

Suyash is in his washroom washing his face. He breathes in and slowly lets the breath out. He gets out of his room and sits on the chair behind the desk and opens the drawer, takes a tablet for his headache, drinks water, and removed his glasses. Resting his arms on the desk, he slowly lowered his head onto them.

By this time Parvati has now made it to the upstairs and reached Suyash's room. The door is open. She sees Suyash resting his head at the table.

"Mr. Mehra?" Parvati calls out to him but he isn't responding.

She gets inside the room , shutting the door behind her.

Parvati walks up to the desk and stands across him.

"Mr. Mehra?" Parvati tried calling him again but he still isn't responding.

Parvati walks to his side and calls him again,"Mr. Mehra?"

"Suyash?" she tried calling him by his first name but he still isn't responding.

Did he just fall asleep at his homecoming party, Parvati thought.

As Parvati cautiously extended her hand towards Suyash to wake him up. In a swift motion, Suyash's eyes flew open, and he instinctively moved away from her grasp, all while remaining seated on his  chair.

Suyash gaze fixed upon her, but there was a clear expression of confusion on his face.

Parvati surprised, gently retracting her hand, maintaining a respectful distance. "I was just trying to wake you...." She stopped mid-sentence and looked closely at Suyash's eyes.

He looks different, Parvati thought.

Parvati moves her hand forward and puts it on Suyash's forehead. "Do you have a fever?" asked Parvati.

Suyash isn't saying anything.

Parvati couldn't feel anything unusual in Suyash's body temperature, He is fine.

Parvati moves her hand away from Suyash's forehead.

Suyash turns his face to the desk and grabs his specs and wears it.

"I was just trying to wake you up," Parvati completes her sentence.

Suyash stands up from his chair.

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