I've Got Ninety-Nine Problems But The Sun Ain't One!

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"You're flying technically, and I know, I can see him doing that if Seven or Eight was driving-" Nine supplied.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" They both cried out from the back.

"-But if anyone were to fulfill the mission to a T, it'll be you. The bomb makes no sense.."

Seven abruptly stood, "I'm gonna go disengage it."

"Absolutely not!"

"We can't just leave it on! I've got hunch that whatever that bomb's there for, it's not for us to be okay with! I'm gonna take it off!"

"You cannot defy orders over a hunch!"

"Watch me!"

Seven would've left the room if it weren't for Eight looping his arms around the teen's midsection and lifting.

"Seven, I know you don't want to go. But the rest of us do, and if you do this, you'll destroy any chance of us doing what we've wanted to for years."

"I know! I've accepted that! But I'm trying to protect you!" He squeezed through Eight's hold and climbed off his elbows, "Please? Just listen to me, once? I don't feel good about that bomb.."

Six nodded, "None of us do, but if something goes wrong, you get to say 'I told you so' if that helps."

"...That does." Seven plopped back on his chair, fastening the seatbelt.

Eight gaped, "So you'd rather risk the chance to say I told you so rather than our careers?"

"It's more appealing to me." Seven snickered, "If something does go wrong, the last thing going through your head will be 'I told you so.' And that's funny."

 Nine nodded, "At least you're onboard and staying, I care what your reasons are. Are we ready to go Ten?"

"Affirmative, everything checks off, I'm engaging the primary thrusters now."

Eight whooped, "Is anyone getting that feeling that you get when you're on a rollercoaster going up?"

Six laughed, "This is my second time doing it, and I'm still having that feeling!"

"I don't," Seven blinked, "But I've never been on a rollercoaster before, so-"

"WHAT?! That's insane! What do you do all day?"

Seven lowered his eyelids halfway, holding up a packet of seeds.

"Oh, right."

The room began to rumble, steadily at first, but it soon began to escalate into something rougher as the rocket titled upwards.

Nine hummed, "I'll fix that."

Ten glanced over, wondering what he could possibly mean, he can't just say he'll fix it later when they were going to space!

"What's wrong?"

"The launch is rough."

Ten blinked, "Have you..not been in a rocket before?"

"No, but I still don't like it when it's rough. I'll change it later, that way, liftoff will be much quieter."

Alright, if Nine said he'll make liftoff smoother that was what Nine was going to do, it had nothing to do with her, and she wasn't interested. (Not at all, no matter how curious she was about how he would do so..)

"Think that we'll run into intelligent life up there?!"

"...Highly doubtful that there is intelligent life at all up there.."

Once You Find You're In A RocketDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora