What are you doing, you little troublemaker? he teased, smiling as he felt the pup looking through his own eyes. 

Oh? You want to look around now that most of the people are behind us, huh? 

Even though he was making fun of his pup a little, Marquise still granted its wish and looked here and there as they passed different shops. Eventually, his gaze fell upon Taru, making his pup wiggle a little with interest. 

You know your master, good boy. 

Taru gave him a smile in return for the attention, making Marquise grin at him back. 

After a few moments of looking at his master, his attention turned to his other side. The moment his eyes fell upon Vrasje's profile Garlic gave such an excited whine that it nearly made him wince. 

Why?! He's your master's master, not ours, Marquise groaned in his mind, even as his pup continued to dance excitedly around his head. 

Pushing aside the frustration of being misunderstood, Marquise continued leading their little group until they were finally getting close to home. 

Well, he could see the beginning of the entry gates and the ridiculously long cobblestone road beyond it. That road... had been terrible to traverse with his cane earlier. 

How did I forget about it? 

"It's been a busy day. Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?" Taru asked right as Vrasje was opening his mouth to say something, too. 

He quickly clamped it shut a moment later, however, so Marquise figured that he was probably just going to offer the same thing. Taru was definitely his preferred mode of transportation, though.

Marquise quickly turned to his master with a tired smile and nodded. 

"Yes, please. If that's alright with you," he said, already relieved that he wouldn't have to try and hobble his way over that mess again. 

Taru picked him up right after Vrasje reached forward and took his cane. 

"You've been gaining weight, I see. I'm glad," Taru said as he walked through the gates. 

Marquise wrapped his arms comfortably around his master's shoulders, then rested his chin on his shoulder as he watched Vrasje follow them from a little ways back. 

He's talking to some servants...

As soon as he seemed to finish speaking with one, two more would show up. By the third interruption Marquise felt Garlic's hackles rising, but shrugged off the pup's odd interest in the man. 

"How is Garlic doing?" Taru asked as they finally neared the house. 

Marquise pursed his lips and gave a tiny shrug of his shoulders. 

"He's okay. He was really nervous, but I managed to get him to calm down enough to not act out," he replied, but then continued. "He doesn't seem very happy right now, though." 

The little bugger was pacing again, and each time it glanced out through his eyes it seemed to get more frustrated. 

Taru was beginning to reply, himself, when Marquise felt his consciousness suddenly falter, then withdraw abruptly into his mind! 

Garlic? Why did you suddenly take over? 

Of course, he wasn't that  surprised, since the pup had been extremely stressed, but damn...

Sorry Taru, he took over abruptly. 

He watched through Garlic's eyes, expecting his master to just cuddle him and finish their walk inside, but when there seemed to be a bit of a struggle, he became confused. 

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