Chapter 10

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When Geralt and Jaskier made their way downstairs for breakfast that morning, they found the Pankratz family already sitting at the kitchen table. To Geralt's amazement, Grammy looked fresh as a daisy, humming to herself as she sipped her morning coffee. Poor Mary, meanwhile, bore the signs of a night of hard drinking; her complexion pale and her eyes puffy from lack of sleep and dehydration. Albert looked grumpier than usual, glaring at his morning paper as he ate his muesli.

"Morning," Jaskier greeted them, patting his mother tentatively on the back. "Did you have a fun night?" When Mary groaned, he grimaced. "A little too much fun, perhaps?"

"We had a wonderful night," Grammy assured them, rising to her feet. "You boys sit down, I'll grab you both something to drink. Geralt, what do you take in your coffee?"

"Black, no sugar," he replied, sliding into an empty chair.

"Ah, but you don't need any extra sugar, do you, dear?" Jaskier simpered. "You're sweet enough already!"

"Aww, you two are adorable," Grammy gushed, missing the bemused expression on Geralt's face. As she poured water from the kettle, she noted lightly, "While we're on the subject of fun, I believe the babymaker finally worked its magic last night!"

There was a collective groan at that. Geralt kept his expression neutral but he could feel the heat rising up the back of his neck.

"Grammy," Jaskier groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"What?" she replied innocently, placing a mug of hot chocolate in front of her grandson and handing Geralt his cup of coffee. "We're all adults here, aren't we? Everyone at this table has had sex. Why, your mother and father wouldn't have been here, otherwise. Neither would you, for that matter, Jay."

"It's too early in the morning for this," Albert grumbled.

"And don't think I haven't noticed you two keeping each other at arm's length," she continued in an accusatory tone. "You don't need to hide being affectionate to one another on my account, or anyone else's, for that matter."

Jaskier cringed. "Grammy, it's not that big a deal."

"It is," Mary croaked. "Your grandmother is right; this is your home, Jay. It's your home too, Geralt. I want you both to feel comfortable here."

"All I'm saying is that you two have been so tense since you arrived," Grammy argued. "I'm just relieved that you're both finally starting to relax and enjoy your holiday!"

Jaskier sighed and his hands slid from his face. "You're right, we haven't given ourselves the chance to relax. What with the wedding and everything..."

"I've told you boys already, don't worry about planning the wedding! Your mother and I have that covered." When Mary mumbled something unintelligible, Grammy patted her on the hand and chuckled, "On second thought, I think you'd be better just going back to bed, dear. Looks like it'll just be me and Al making arrangements today."

Albert looked up sharply from his newspaper. "Me? What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"You can sail me to the mainland so that we can post wedding invitations, for starters. And we still need to order a cake, book the photographer and videographer, caterers, hair and makeup..."

"I don't know anything about any of that stuff."

"You really expect me to do it all on my own?" she pouted. "Me. An nonagenarian. I could be dead any day now, but no, send me out to the field like an old work horse, why don't you!"

"Alright! You've made your point," he snapped, pushing himself away from the table and rising to his feet. "I'll go get the boat ready."

"Thank you, dear!" Grammy simpered. As Albert exited the kitchen, she turned her attention to Jaskier and Geralt. "So, what do you boys have planned for today?"

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