Chapter 2: Who?

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As soon as Meru woke up she found herself in a dark room. She exited the dark room only to find herself in an abandoned place. "How creepy" she thought to herself and decided to explore the place while looking for what's her name? Anyways she started exploring by looking in all the closest room she saw. One room was painted completely blue while another one only had a candle. The more she walked the colder it got. Finally she reached the last door which was painted red. She opened the door just enough to peek through. The only thing she could see was a wooden chair with jars. Curious why the two object was there, she opened the door and found Momo. The only thing was, she was hung to a rope dangling off a the ceiling. Her eyes were missing which Meru soon discovered was in the jar. Disgusted by the sight, she ran out the room and entered the blue room she was at earlier. Panting, she thought over what she saw and felt something damp. "Huh?" she softly said and looked around to find the room was slowly being filled with water. She panicked and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. Eventually, the water covered her completely. Meru was trying to stay awake and look for air but finally lost conscious.

[A/N] yes this is supposed to be a adventure story. I'm getting there don't worry :)

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