" Hey, that was mine. "
He says trying to grab the toast out of my hand.
" No way, it's mine now,
i didn't eat anythin yet. "
I smile taking a bite from it.
" Oh uh, nice excuse you had there earlier. "
I say sarcastically as we went down the stairs.
" What? "
He says having no clue what I meant.
" "It's California. It's the look." "
I mocked, which made him laugh.
" Thanks to you, I would've said something
waaaay off topic about what happened
to my eye. "
He smiled picking up his bike and we both walk out the condominium.
" Yeah, aaaanytime, LaRusso. "
I say finishing the toast and setting my
skateboard down and putting my headphones on.
" What do you listen to? "
" Well uh right now,
"Crazy little thing called love" by Queen. "
I simply answer waiting for him to get on his bike so we could go.
" That a favorite? "
" One of em, yeah.
Now come on, let's go before we miss
first period! "
I say pumped and skating down the hill.

" Wait up! "
I hear him shout from behind.
I shake my head, pushing on the smooth cement to make me go faster.
" Better keep up, LaRusso! "
I tease as we took a sharp turn on the curb.

At School ~

" Where do you leave your skateboard then? "
Daniel asks as he hooks his bike up
on one of the bike stands that were
in front of the school.
" Meh, I just leave it next to my locker,
no one really takes it. "
I shrug my shoulders
, stepping down from the board.
" Alright, let's head to first period, and thennn... I'll give you the tour. "
We both smile at each other as we
walked down the hall.
Although Daniel stopped and slowed down
from walking for a second.
" You know that guy over there,
with those motor bikes? "
He cocks his head, gesturing towards em.
" Yeah, I do? Why? "
" The one in blond, with a white sweater
with some headphones around his neck? "
" Mhm? "
" He was the one who beat me up
the other night. "
Daniel sighs.
So that's how he was beaten up last night.
Typical Johnny,
Probably tried to save Ali
from something, I don't know.
They are ex boyfriend and girlfriend.
I put my arm around his shoulder
and said,
" That my friend, is Johnny Lawrence. "
" Johnny Lawrence?? "
" Yup. King Karate. "
I add, as we continued walking.
" King Karate? Wait, he does Karate? "
He asks, surprised.
" Mhm, why do you think your face ended up looking like that? "
I laughed but he didn't.
" Okay sorry, that wasn't funny. "
He shit me a look where it had knocked some sense of humor in him.
" Alright.
C'mon California, let's go. "
I tease as we turn to the hall for our first class.

After First Period ~

" God, Mr. Wagner is such a pain in the ass! "
I complain as we exited the cafeteria, I was giving him the tour too at the same time.
" Yeah, you tell me about it. "
Daniel laughs, agreeing with me.
Not even into 2nd period and we already got
3 essays to make.

" Anyways, uh...
Over there is the field,
where we do most of our P.E.
Like football, cheer practice
and sometimes track. I hangout with Jack
there a lot.
We'll be heading there in an hour or so.. "
I say looking to my watch.
" Jack? "
Unsure of who I was talking about I,
" Jack. He's my best friend. The one who I ran up to that night at the beach? "
Hopefully that refreshed his memory.
" Oh yeah, okay.
Uh is that it? Like, that's the whole tour? "
He questions.
" Pretty much, yeahh. "
I nod, smiling.
We head to our lockers to put some books back.
I go with Daniel to his locker.
We were chatting and stuff till he pauses,
seeing that he had his eyes on Ali.
" Cat got your tongue, huh? huh? "
I smirk, slightly nudging his shoulder.
" C'mon, stop it, stop it!! "
He whispers, laughing.
" Say uh, any chance you know her name? "
He asks not taking his eyes off her.
" Yeah, she's A- "
" Oh crap she's coming this way- "
He starts freaking out, pulling his locker door
to hide his face.
" Oh would you relax, you're fine. "
I laugh pulling him by his backpack
so he wouldn't get hit as I shut the locker door.
He looks at me with wide eyes as if
it was the "end of the world" for him.
Ali walks by with Mandy, Suzie,
and the rest of her friends that stayed up
in Encino.
She smiled at Daniel and,
" Oh hey Y/n. "
She sends me a small wave,
her eyes moving back to Daniel.
I wave back, to see Daniel
head over heels for her.
I can't believe him-
" Alright lover boy, let's go, lets go. "
I laugh kicking him by the leg.
" Ow! What was that for?? "
" That was for being too much of a wuss
to even say "hi" to her. "
I laugh as we head over to the field.

I was sitting by the bleachers, annoyed by the coach shouting at the other students.
Daniel was out there playing soccer with the team, and Ali was over practicing by
the cheerleading squad.
I see the both of them approach each other,
laughing, talking, and she takes the ball from him, attempting the trick he taught her
at the beach.
" Daniel, withhh an "L" "
I hear Daniel shout as Ali laughed and
ran back to her squad.
" Y/n, you gotta get off the bleachers
at some point, hon?
This is for extra circular- "
" I've already done my part, Coach."
I say saluting, cutting Mrs. Fraser.
See she was the coach
for the cheerleading squad.
I put my headphones on, getting lost in the music
when I see Daniel and Bobby
wrestling on the field.
" Hey this school sucks man! It sucks! "
He yelled before he turned away.
Man these guys just can't get enough of him..
Not long after, I see Daniel walking off,
assuming he was gonna pack up and go home.
Not on my watch!

I look to see if Ms. Fraser was looking my way, but luckily she was pre-occupied by the other students.
With that, I pick my things up follow along,
only to see him
sitting in the cafeteria all by himself.
His legs brought up to his chest,
with a stern yet concentrated look on his face.
He was like a little kid.
" What seems to be the problem, LaRusso? "
I ask sitting next to him, taking my headphones off.
" Nothin. "
He shrugs looking down.
" I'm ain't taking
"Nothin" as an answer, Daniel. "
I say sitting next to him,
hearing a sigh escape his mouth.
" I just wanna go home, Y/n?
Like, everything here has been so hard.
And I know it's only been 2 days but
it feels like hell already.
And it's the first day of school!
I'm- I'm probably just overreacting, aren't I? "
Daniel complains, shaking his head, the saddest look plastered on his face.
We both sit in silence, I bite my lip thinking
of what to say.
Ding, Ding, Ding!
" Here. "
I take my headphones off my neck and hand them over to him.
" What? "
He contorts his eyebrows, confused.
" Wear em. "
I say putting it over his head.
The song
"Everybody Wants to Rule The World"
by Tears for Fears
was playing.
He puts em on and starts bobbing his head
to the music,
and I could tell that calmed him down.
" What's this song called? "
He asks, slightly shouting.
" Everybody wants to rule the world,
by Tears for Fears. "
I move an ear muff away from his ear, he nods and continues to listen.

He puts them down and,
" Why'd you make me wear them? "
" Every time you feel overwhelmed, or uneasy,
just listen to music. "
I simply answer, slightly smiling.
" Well, it seems to be working. "
He laughs as he bobs his head to the music.
I'm glad this helped him.
" You wanna go back out in the field? "
I ask him.
" Nahh, I just wanna stay here until 4th period. "
" Alright, well, I'm gonna head back.
Sooo, I'll see u in 5th? "
I reply sitting up from the table when he
pulled me by my bag.
" Can you stay? I know you need to get back
but- "
" Nooo, Daniel. I can't miss out on the first classes? "
I roll my eyes knowing if I skipped this, I could potentially earn a low grade.

" Oh c'mon! Please? We don't even have any classes! It's the introduction to school or sumthin.' "
" Still. No. "
I laugh and as I was walking away.

" If you don't stay, I'll tell Jack you like him! "
I heard Daniel slightly shout from behind.
" What? "
I turn around tilting my head.
" You heard me. "
He smirked putting his feet up on the bench, crossing them, including his arms that were now behind his head.
" Okay first of all, I do not like Jack.
He's just my best friend.
Second of all,
Where did you hear that I do?
And lastly,
NO! I'm sorry but I am not staying! "
I laughed raising my voice a little.
" Of course that's what everyone says when they do like someone,
especially when you're denying it so defensively. "
" Daniel I- "
" What? "
" Well, Gross. I do not see him that way.
So piss off. "
I contort my eyebrows, and was about
to leave but,

" Alright, alright, alright, alrightt!
I'm sorry, okay? "
I turn back around only to find him a few steps away from behind me.

Do I stay, or go?

" You're a fucking prick, LaRusso. "
I sigh but he still managed to make me laugh as I sat down next to him,
wearing my headphones.
Daniel laughing on the side as we ended up talking more until well,
we had one more period left.

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