The Wrong Number (A Louis Tomlinson fanfic)

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"I found a reason for me. To change who I used to be. A reason to start over new. And the reason is you.",my iPod sang. I quietly hummed along hiding my earbud under my long brown hair. "And just what do you think your doing Emily?",my teacher says very loudly so I would hear. I look up,"Well you see basically I was listening to this really cool math song.", I lied right through my teeth. "Oh really if that the case how about you come to the front of the class and sing it for us.",he smirked thinking he got away with something. "Sure", I walked up to the front of the class."I FOUND A REASON FOR MATH!!!! Well yeah that's how far I got because SOMEONE got all sassy about it.", I said as the bell rang. "WELL LATER MR.TODD MAYBE I'LL SING IT FOR YOU ANOTHER TIME!", I yelled as I ran out of the room before he could give me detention. I ran outside and jumped on my boyfriends back and kisses his cheek. "Well hello there Travis how was your day?", I said still on his back. "oh it was good until this really cute monkey jumped on my back.", he said ask he took me off his back and kissed me. "How does that make your day bad? I mean at least it was a cute monkey.", I asked with a pout. "Because I couldn't see her beautiful face." I blushed. He handed me a piece of paper and close my hand around it. "I got a new phone that's the number call me later", he said and kissed my cheek. As I walked down the street I turned my music back on. "One way or another I'm gonna get ya I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya", I sang to the song by One Direction. I like this song just not them....ok well maybe I fancy Louis a little bit BUT THATS IT! I mean have you seen that boys ass I mean just look at it!!! He sings like an angel from heaven above. Anyways moving on with life your probably wondering who is Travis. Why was she acting like that in class!?!? Answers: Travis is my boyfriend of six months. He is Mu everything I don't know what I would do with out him. Why was I acting like that in class? Simple, My math teacher dated my mom in high school and cheated on her so for this I will make his life a living hell. Plus I really like music and not math so yeah there's my life story!! Happy stalkers? And I'm just noticing I am talking to myself in my head. Well I have no life..oh well. TO STARBUCKS WE GOOO


Well there's the first chapter hope you liked it. :) comment and share!!! I love you guys. :***

The Wrong Number (A Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora