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Jeongyeong slides the bag across the table. "It needs to be restored. It wasn't possible back then but with evolution in technology it may be possible now."

Motack stares at her. "I didn't think you'd actually give it back."

She fiddled with her fingers in her lap. "You said you would barge in and cause a scene."

He chuckled. "That scared you?"

"Whatever," she said "Don't come to the station again, for your own sake. What'll you do with this anyway?"

"I want to reconnect with my past," he says. "My forgotten past. Who did I talk to? What kind of text messages did I send? What did I see and feel? What made me angry? What did I wish for while working on cases as a detective? All of it. You confuse me. You don't look like the type to cover up cases."

She inhales. "We were a couple, you and I." She looks down, breaking eye contact.

"Wh- we were what?" he asks, dumbfounded.

"If you find anything about your cases let me know," she says quickly. "And don't show up covered in blood like you did seven years ago." She stands up and turns to the door.

"Wait!" he shouts "Have you... have you been waiting for me for the past seven years..?"

"Tch. No, not anymore," she lies. "Anyway, call me if you find anything." She walks away.


He enters the restaurant Jeongyeong is at. "Sorry I'm a little late," Motack says as he sits down at her table.

"It's alright, I'm used to seeing you run late. Seven years is a little too much, though," she says.

He puts a rice cake in his mouth. "Was I your immediate senior when I was a detective? You mark evidence envelopes the same way I do."

She sighs, "You forget all crucial information, yet remember all the unimportant details."

"You have a feisty way of talking. Are you always this way?" he asks, putting a fishcake in his mouth.

"My senior didn't teach me properly," she said, rolling her eyes.

A quick firing of responses go on. "Why was my junior clueless about her senior's case?"

"You didn't share it with me."

"Did I not trust you?"

"You probably wanted to protect me because I could've gotten hurt." She looks down. "Well at least that's what I like to think," she says quietly.

"That must be it," he says, smiling at her, "I would have done that. Anyway, how's Sooryong doing?"

She drops the file in her hand. "You remember Sooryong?"

"I remember things that are very old," he shrugs.

She rolls her eyes again, "You're done eating, right? I'm leaving." She hits her head on the ceiling as she stands up. "..You can pay the bill."

"Are you okay-"


During an encounter with an evil spirit, Motack gets a cement block broken on his head. This event somehow lead to him beginning to gain his memories back.

"It's so frustrating, having these pieces but not knowing everything," he says.

"Hey calm down," Ms Chu pauses her kimchi mixing, "You've only just started getting them back, you'll have everything soon."

"I can help you," Hana starts, grabbing pieces of a cut up daikon. "You said those memories are in pieces right? I can help you take those pieces," she places the pieces together. "And bring them back into one piece," she tightens the pieces of daikon to look like an uncut vegetable.

"Okay. Let's do it." Hana pulls up a chair for Motack to sit on, holds his head, and begins to use her power. All the memories start flooding right back to him. All of them.


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