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The next day came and surprisingly to both Aizawa and All Might, all students had their permission slip signed. 

"My father said that this trip would a great opportunity to learn about Yokohama," Todoroki explained as he handed in his slip. 

"The old hag didn't even read half of the letter, she just signed it," Bakugou scowled as he laid his slip on top of Todoroki's and glared. 

"All mom said was to be careful," Midoriya said, smiling bright like usual and handed in his slip. 

And the rest of the class was basically the same. 

"So, did you all read the rules and understand them?" Aizawa asked the class, as they sat in their classroom, waiting for the 2 ADA members. 

"I did, sir," Iida called out, with his hand up, along with only a hand-full of students. 

"Please tell us, Iida," Aizawa said, and gestured for the class president to stand up. 

"Absolutely no quirk usage, don't run into random alley ways, don't go to Suribachi City, and never go out after dark alone," As Iida told the class the rules, a few students looked concerned. 

"WE CAN'T USE OUR QUIRKS?! What kind of nonsense is that?!" Bakugou asked, more like yelled, as he looked at Aizawa. 

"If you don't follow the rules while we're there, you will be banned from Yokohama for as long as you live," Aizawa explained more as he observed the class. 

"Aizawa-Sensei, you mentioned abilities yesterday, how do they differ from quirks?" Midoryia asked as he had a notebook opened in front of him, ready to write things down. 

Aizawa sighed and shook his head. 

"I am not permitted to tell you anything about abilities until you see for yourselves," Aizawa said as he looked to All Might, to see if the hero had anything to say. 

But it seemed he did not as he was looking out the window. 

"Alright class, it looks like the bus is here," Aizawa said, as he looked out the window and saw the Yokohama bus was there. 

He watched as the students file out of the classroom and to the bus, where three people were standing. 

The taller of the three was a blonde man with glasses, he was talking to a man nearly as tall as him, who had rusty red hair and slight stubble. 

The third was an older man who was wearing a bus driver's outfit with a name tag that says "Tanizaki". 

"You are here to pick up class 1-a, correct?" Aizawa approached the three men, first, just in case. 

The blonde looked at him first, followed by the red haired man. 

"Yes, but let's introduce ourselves first, I am Kunikida Doppo, this is Sakunosuke Oda, and our bus driver is just Tanizaki," The blonde, Kunikida answered. 

Eventually, the entire class introduced themselves and they were loading up the bus, while Aizawa and All Might talked to the two men, Kunikida and Oda. 

"Can you tell us what to expect when we enter Yokohama?" Aizawa asked, the thought of the city being in ruins brought into his mind. 

"You won't be awake for it,"Oda informed him, rather quickly, before getting onto the bus. 

"What does he meant by that?" All Might asked as he looked at the blonde curiously. 

"We will be putting you all to sleep with a sleep agent, it will only last an hour, while you have permission to enter Yokohama and stay for the month, you are not permitted to see the entrance to Yokohama," Kunikuda explained, it was very straight to the point and no sugar coating. 

Both of the heroes nodded, understanding, but sending worried looks to the students. 

"Once we are in Yokohama, I have to inform you all of certain things that are currently taking place in Yokohama, I cannot say them outside the barrier," Kunikuda informed the pro heroes, before turning his back and getting onto the bus, followed by Aizawa and All Might. 


Once on the bus, the student were paired up. 

Bakugou and Kirishima were seated behind Oda and Kunikida, and across from them, behind Aizawa and All Might were Todoroki and Midoriya.

Iida and Uraraka were seated behind Todoroki and Midoriya, and behind Bakugou and Kirishima were Kaminari and Sero.

Kaminari and Sero were seated in front of Jiro and Yaomomo. Behind Iida and Uraraka were Tsuyu and Tokoyami. 

The rest of pairs went on as the bus went back. 


The ride didn't last long before Bakugou blew up at Midoriya. 

"Can you shut the HELL up?!" Bakugou yelled across the lane at the green haired boy, who was mumbling about seeing new people, the things called "abilites". 

"AHH, sorry Kacchan!" Midoriya quickly apologized and tried to keep his head down, as he wrote in one of his notebook. 

"Bakugou, be more quiet," Aizawa scolded the loud, angry blonde as he looked at him. 

If the two pro heroes at the front of the bus were paying attention, they would have noticed how Oda was getting his gas mask ready, same with Kunikida and the bus driver.

No one on the bus was aware of what happened, as they inhaled the gas and slumped down in their seats. 

Aizawa woke up groggy, he was looking around, trying to access what happened, then like a snap of a finger, he remembered how they were going to be put to sleep before they entered Yokohama. 

He reached out and shook All Might slightly, who groaned as he woke up. 

"We here already?" All Might asked, his speech slurred slightly. 

And when both of the pro heroes looked around, they realized that the old man was no longer driving, instead there was a teenager[?] with orange hair driving. 

He looked over and saw Kunikida looking at them. 

"Who's that?" Aizawa asked as he pointed to the driver, "Wasn't an old man driving?" 

"Yes, that was also Tanizaki, he used his ability to look like an old man," Kunikida explained calmly, as Tanizaki looked back at them and smiled. 

"Hi, I'm Junichiro Tanizaki," The orange haired boy introduced himself. 

Aizawa looked back to Kunikida and Oda, before questioning. 

"Why did you bring three men when we were told only two would come?" Aizawa asked, as he looked back at his students and saw that some of them were finally waking up. 

"Just in case," Oda answered, as he looked forward towards the road. 

The bus went through a path in the woods before they saw the signs for Yokohama, everyone was expecting destroyed buildings, empty streets, homeless in alleys, but that's not at all what they saw. 

It was nice and polished buildings, restaurants, and the streets were alive with men, women, and children walking or running down them. 

They hear gasps from the students as they take in the view. 

"I thought Yokohama was run down and the people were miserable?" Uraraka asked, confused as she watched the people on the streets laughing and smiling. 

"Oh no, the city is quite alive, and the people are very happy here," Oda answered, his smile gets bigger as they pass a group of people, walking down the street, swinging a little girl between them.

They watch as Tanizaki also smiles, while Kunikida remains more reserved, but has a slight smile on his lips as he watched the couple. 

The Morally Grey City (bsd x bnha crossover) *read summary!!!*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz