remus always knows.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

A meow breaks the silence, causing the figure to shake their head and contemplate leaving. But before they can retreat, the very brunette man they were following suddenly ambushed them. The lights flash, revealing the scarred face of Remus Lupin, his lips curled in a snarl.

"My, my Moony. You got hotter." Sirius whistles with James nodding along.

Peter side eyes the blush that dusts Moony's cheeks, his gaze knowing.

Remus tries to reply nonchalantly, "Obviously."

Alice nudges Frank and whispers, "They are so cute."

"So are you." Frank smiles at her adoringly, making her turn red.

Startled, the figure struggles for a moment before Remus loosens his grip.

PERSEUS: Well, hello there. Getting handsy already, Lupin?

"Kinky." Someone whispers in the crowd eliciting laughter.

Remus stares on flustered.

Remus stares at the speaker, momentarily taken aback by the unexpectedly familiar voice.

The hood falls off, revealing a smirking Perseus Black with his hands raised in surrender.

A shocked whisper fills the eerie silence of the empty street.


"Come on Moony! That clearly isn't me! I am more handsome and have better hair." Sirius Black whines

Remus raises his hand in surrender.


REMUS LUPIN (his surprise shifting to anger): Imposter, how dare you pretend to be the traitor?

"You are pretending to not know the truth, right---RIGHT?!" Regulus asks his brother's best friend.

Remus just hums.

"RIGHT?!" Regulus looked like he was about to jump on Remus and shake him till he answered and the only thing that was stopping him was Barty's hand on his waist.

"...Right." Remus was already used to sudden bouts of hysteria from Blacks.

PERSEUS: Wrong again, Moony. This natural charm you're experiencing is all my own.

REMUS LUPIN (takes a deep breath, guesses): ...Percy?

PERSEUS BLACK (surprised): Oh, so you do know me.

REMUS LUPIN (chuckling): Sirius wasn't as skilled at hiding things as he believed. After a few drinks, all his secrets spilled out.

"That is so not true!"

"Sorry mate---" James starts making Sirius smile thinking he will take the Black's side, which soon falls as he continues, "but it is indeed true."

"Betrayal!" Sirius cries out looking devastated.

"Brother, admit it you have a loose tongue." Regulus quips in.

"Not you too!"

PERSEUS BLACK (resigned): So, you know the truth.

"He always knows." An eerie whisper echoes in the hall as if stating the eternal truth.

REMUS LUPIN (smirking): That is the understatement of the decade.

°☆𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙---toujours pur☆°Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ