New Storms for Older Lovers

Start from the beginning

I wonder if Chloe has awoken yet. Getting dressed. Maybe she slept naked?

Max let her mind wander as she placed her left hand on the wall before her, while continuing to pleasure herself with her right hand.

I wish I were lying beside her. Naked. She would probably spoon me. The feeling of her naked crotch being pressed up against my ass...

While Max's middle finger began flickering her clit, she moved her left hand away from the wall and took a firm grip around her left butt-check, trying to remember the sensation from the other day. Trying to imagine it was Chloe squeezing her butt. She felt her heart beating faster and her body tensing. The mere thought of Chloe brought giddy feelings throughout her body.

We made an implied agreement that I would be the one to have an orgasm the next time. She- she wants to give me an orgasm. Touch me. Lick me... fuc-

"Some idiot woke me up in the middle of the night while I was sleeping" a female voice was suddenly heard.

"Dammit!" Max whispered a little too loudly as she quickly removed her hand from her crotch.

"I didn't see Max at all yesterday evening. It was probably her going to her room," a second voice responded.

Are they completely unaware of the fact that I can hear them? Or do they just don't care?

From the sound of the voices, she knew it was Victoria and Taylor making the annoying chatter.

Max took a breath before turning off the waters and grabbing her towel. The voices had disappeared, but she was certain she didn't hear them leave. However, she refused to worry about it and began rubbing her face with the towel while the water was dripping down from her body. Suddenly a snicker was heard. It sounded like it came from the other side of the shower door.

"Incoming!" A girl yelled.

Max quickly looked up to see a dust of white powder rain down upon her. Instinctively, she placed her arms in front of her face, but it was useless. Her wet body was like glue to the powder, and before she was able to comprehend the situation, half her body was covered with a mixture of powder and water, creating a sticky mass.

"What the hell?!" Max shouted out in anger.

"That's for waking me up in the middle of the night," Victoria laughed, as Taylor and her exited the room.

"You fuckers!" Max exclaimed as she clinched her first. They were already gone.

God-fucking-dammit. That...

Resisting the urge to run after Victoria and punch her stupid face, Max instead turned the water back on in order to get the sticky powder off her body. A process that took considerably longer than the average shower.

20 minutes later, she finally decided that she was clean enough. Her skin was red due to excessive rubbing to get it all off, but she felt relieved that she was finally able to put on her clothes. On her way out of the stalls, she took a quick look in the mirror. She looked worse than she did when she had entered the showers. Her eyes had a hint of anger and annoyance in them, her hair couldn't decide which style it wanted to be in and her whole body was tense. Just she opened the door to the hallways, the smug face of Victoria was the first thing she saw. She was standing beside some boy that hid his face behind a cap and messy hair. Taking quick steps past the conversing douches, Max noticed something out the corner of her eye. The crooked smile of a girl. The single crow in the storm that had it all: the biggest tree with the widest leaves to keep out the rain, the rain that was the low-bar in the chart of a young life. With crossed arms and a tilted leg, Victoria was the one wearing the crooked smile as a prize for breaking the wings of the ones fighting to stay in the air. Max's next step was heavier, more in rhythm with her anger. Luckily, before her instincts took over, she found herself standing before the door to her room. Letting herself inside, the first thing she did was to shut the door behind her and pressing 'play' on the stereo that was placed on her shelf. At the sound of guitar strings being played, she sat down on her bed and placed her head in the palms of her warm hands. With a sigh, she let the music take over her emotions.

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