The wrong way round part 2

Start from the beginning

"There you are!" His voice was loud and worried

"Oh my god Y/n what are you doing??" I cover my top half and sink further into the water.

He closes the door but leaves it open a little.

"You said you were having stomach pain. I got here as soon as I could," I small smile on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry it was nothing it disappeared after 10 minutes or so."

I hear him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure you're OK?" I trace my finger along the bathtub.

"I'm OK Y/n I promise."

"Good, ok, have you eaten?"

I realise I hadn't I'd be scheming for most of the evening.

"I haven't no. why?"

"I'll knock something up." Wait, wasn't he at dinner?

"Oh, I thought you went to dinner?" I lean out of the bath slightly to listen for him.

"No, I decided against it. Come down when you're ready."


I searched for the fridge for something to make. There were a few vegetables, some chicken. I start chopping and throwing spices in a put it in the oven.

There was no way I could go on that date, not when that gorgeous woman upstairs was carrying my baby. Not when I want her so badly.

I set the table and sat on the sofa, waiting for her to come down. I hear the softest of footsteps and turn seeing her in a dressing gown.

"Nice bath?" I stand walking to the oven.

"Oh, it was lovely. It smells incredible down here y/n." Flo sits at the table.

When I open the oven, the smell truly escapes.

"What are we having?" I grab the oven gloves, taking the dish out of the oven. "It's a kind of oven baked chicken thing with stuff.." She laughs at me. "I just chucked whatever you had in an oven dish and hoped for the best."

I put the dish in the middle of the table. "Do you want a drink?"

"Erm, yeah, just spritz anything, make it look like a cocktail, so pretend I'm not pregnant for 5 minutes."

I grab a 2 large wine glasses, filling them with ice, soda, a dash of juice, a lime wedge, and a straw.

"Here you go." I palce the drink down and sit next to her.

"Oh, this is yummy y/n."

I serve up a portion each for us. "Dig in." We both take our 1st bite slightly apprehensive. We're both pleasantly surprised.

"Oh wow, this is good y/n." Flo grabs another fork full. "Like really good!" I smile at her, digging into my own.

We sit a chat like an old married couple. It was nice.. something I wish I had.

"Well y/n that was delicious. Who knew you could cook!"

I stand up and begin clearing the plates. "No, let me do that." Flo tries to take the plates from me.

"Florence, you are pregnant. Sit and relax. I will do this." I smile and take the plates away.

"Hey y/n, do you want to watch a film?"

I stack the dishes in the dishwasher. "I'd love to."

Florence's POV

Halfway through the movie, my eyes start to wonder. He sits a few cms from me. I can practically feel his body heat.

"I'm gonna grab my joggers from the car and change if you don't mind Flo?"

"What, huh? oh yeah, course, go ahead." I manage to kick my mind back into start. I grav a few snacks from the kitchen, hearing him come back inside.

A few moments later, I go back into the living room. I put the snack down. I see y/n appear in his gym clothes. Tight top... tight fitting joggers. My eyes scan over his perfectly toned body, watching each muscle as it contracts.


"Huh yeah?" I shoot my head up as he's offering me a piece of chocolate.

He throws himself down next to me. His skin on mine, making me heart, beat out of my chest.

He not so subtly rearranged himself, making his bulge appear even larger than before.

My body instantly heats as I watch him. His breathing seems deeper. I just watch his chest rise and fall.

I imagine him on top of me, the veins in his arm, as he leans down and kisses me. His stomach as his hips snatched into me. His big strong back with my nail marks in it. I shoot my eyes open.

When did I get into bed? I must have drifted off. Fuck! I missed my chance. l look outside. Y/ns car is still here? Weird.

I check downstairs and see him asleep on the sofa. My lips curl into the smallest smile. I bite my lip and walk over to him.

"Y/n?" He stirs slightly.

"Come upstairs."


"Come sleep in the bed. This sofa's too small for you." Sleepily, he cracks his neck and sits up.

"Are you sure?" I stand up, holing my hand out for him. He looks up, taking my hand. I lead him upstairs

"Thank you, Florence, my back was not doing well on that sofa." He crawls under the covers, laying his head back on the pillow.

Hesitantly, I get in next to him, scooching closer. "If I'm honest, it's nice not to be sleeping alone." He turns his head towards me, our faces closer than they have been for a while. His hot breath on my face.

I look up at him, swallowing.

"We agreed." The words leaving his mouth so slowly, like he didn't want to say them.

"I know what we agreed." I move closer to him, my nose almost brushing against his lips.

His face comes level with mine before he plants the softest kiss on my lips. A kiss that turns into hunger within seconds....

A/n Heyyy, sooo there will be a part 3 to this as well. I have decided to miss the smut out on this story completely. I hope that's OK! Enjoy, thank you for reading. As always, it's very much appreciated!

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