Sarah Fier is back

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Conner Lockwood walked down to his kitchen and found his aunt, Nicole Jones, watching the news.

The news reporter was talking to the sheriff Nick Goode about the murderers at the Shadyside mall. A teenager went mad and killed seven people.

Conner didn’t know many of them but he did know Heather Watkins, a normal teen who used to be in his science class.

Nicole turned around and looked at her nephew,

“You knew her?” Nicole asked, Conner nodded at her and said,

“Science class,” a short but simple answer. Nicole looked at him and smiled.

“What?” Conner asked with a little chuckle.

“Nothing, you just remind me of your mother,”

His mother, Conner never knew her since she died soon after he was born. His parents got him when they were both tennagers and while they worked at a summer camp, he stayed with his grandparents.

It was at that summer camp his mother died. The summer 1978 at Camp Nightwing, July 19th to be more exact. That was when his mother was killed, like twelve other teens and kids. He could live with his father, Harold Lockwood, but his father wasn’t able to take care of him then.

And now when he had time and money to take Conner in, Nicole wouldn’t let him, they were even taking it to court. But Harold Lockwood being the best policeman in Shadyside, he would probably win.

Conner said a little “bye” to his aunt and left for school. The shitty school in this shitty town. The cursed town, the town no one actually wanted to live in, only the really poor and couldn’t afford any better lived in.

When he arrived at school all anyone was talking about was the murderers and how another person was possessed by Sarah Fier. Conner didn’t want to talk about it and instead went looking for his friends.

When he finally found one of them, Max Kentwell, he walked up to him.

“Hey Max,” Conner greeted.

“Come on,” Max said and dragged Conner into the girls bathroom.

“What are we doing here, this is the girls bathroom?”

“We’re going to mess with Deena, now come on,” Max said, dragging them into one of the stalls. It was really small so they really needed to squish in, their bodies being super close to each other.

Soon they heard Kate and Deena walking into the bathroom,

“She reaches on from the grave to make good men her wicked slave,” Kate said jokingly.

“She’ll take your blood, she’ll take your head, she’ll follow you until you're dead.” Simon and Max said basically jumping out from the stalls.

“Wow, you guys are dicks,” Deena said.

“They are not me!” Conner said clearly offended.

“It’s just fun,” Kate said.

“How was it fun?” Conner asked.

“The dude was wearing a Halloween mask. How is that not fun!” Simon said.

“People died. Heather died. The guy was probably some sad sack who hated his life, just like the rest of us, except he decided, ‘Hey, why don’t I get out of here for good?’ And ‘Hey why don’t I take Heather and a couple of other mallrats with me?’ There is no angry dead witch that made him go postal. The only thing that made him go crazy is his town!” Deena screamed at them angrily. Conner would never admit it but Deena scared him, expectually when she was mad.

“Are you okay?” Kate asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Deena said, handing Kate a box.

“What is this?”

“I need you to give it to Sam tonight at the game,”

“No! No, I will not get mixed up in your ex drama,”

“Kate please,” Deena begged, making Simon laugh at her.

“What are you laughing at?” Deena asked. “You’re still not over Alex,”

“For your record Alex was the one to break up with me, I have every right to not be over her,” Simon said.

“I still don’t understand why you dated Alex,” Deena said looking at Simon.

“I still don’t understand why you dated Sam,” Simon said back.

“She was hot!”

“So was Alex!”

“They were both hot. Can we stop arguing about this,” Kate yelled at them.

“Why don’t you give it to her yourself?” Max asked.

“I’m not going, I quit band,”

“Since when?” Conner asked.

“Since who gives a shit,”

They all continued to talk about how they were morans and why Deena should go to the game and give the box to Sam herself. When they walked out of the bathroom some random student ran around in the hallway with a doll with a knife attached to it screaming.

“Woho! The witch forever lives!” He screamed. Deena and Conner turned around, only to find Kate, Simon and Max laughing. Deena shook her head in disappointment and walked away with Conner.

“Are you going to the game?” Deena asked.

“No, I’m going to see my dad tonight. He has so much work to do all the time but now he can see me again.” Conner answered.

“Yeah, okay, see you tomorrow,” Deena said and walked to her next class, Conner did the same.

Conner sat in his dad’s living room. His dad, Harold, stood in the kitchen making some sandwiches for dinner. Conner really liked his dad’s house, it was big and fancy, at least for a Shadysider. Harold soon came out of the kitchen with two plates of sandwiches.

“You better get used to this house because soon you will live here every day with me,” Harold said sitting down next to Conner.

“You know aunt Nicole says the same thing,”

“Yes I know, but I also know I’m going to win the case,”

“Why can’t you and aunt Nicole talk and come up with an idea so I can live with both of you?”

“I’d like that but me and your aunt, we have a complicated history,”

“Aunt Nicole blames you for what happened to mom, I know,” Conner said, Harold gave him a little smile before he heard the phone ring.

“I’ll take it,” Harold said, walking up to the phone. When he talked to the person on the other line you could tell by his face that it was very important.

“Conner get in the car, there has been a car crash and your friend might be involved,” Harold said walking out to the car, Conner following him.

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