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After Neteyam helped little Pey get cleaned up, he wrapped her in a fluffy towel, that he nicked from the science labs a while ago after she mentioned that she liked the feeling of the fabric. With his little sister wrapped up and seated in his arms, Neteyam made his way back to his families' tent, meting Lo'ak on the way, having a casual conversation with his brother. Sìlpey snuggled her head in the crook of her brother's neck, she still felt a bit embarrassed, but having Teyam holding her made her feel better. Letting her feel safe.

Once the siblings were close to their home, Kiri waved them over, motioning for her brothers to keep quiet as she went back to listening, while Tuk peeked thought a little opening in the tent. "I cannot, you cannot ask this!" The Na'vi children heard their mother say, "I cannot leave my people. I will not" she continued. At this, the small girl lifted her head to watch her siblings before averting her sight to the walls of the tent. "He is hunting us. He is targeting our family" Jake tried to explain, his voice laced with emotions. But Neytiri didn't want to her it, "You cannot ask this! The children, everything they have ever known, the forest! This is our home!" Sìlpey looked up at Neteyam, her ears turned down and her eyes full of worry, "Is Mama angry with us?" she whispered

Trying to soothe her worries, he shifted her so that she sat on his thigh as he brushed his hand through her slightly damp hair, "Don't worry, Mom would never be angry with you, Pey." Neteyam whispered back to her, hugging her tiny frame against his, as his hand went to massage her scalp. "He had our children, he had them under his knife" Once again Jake reasoned, desperately trying to get Neytiri to understand his point. After a moment of silence, Neytiri's voice could be heard again "My father gave me this bow, as he lay dying" taking a shaky breath she continued "He said to protect the people. You are Toruk Makto!" she cried out. "This will protect the people!" The Father argued back, "He has Spider, the kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation" at that the Sully children glanced at one another with worry in their eyes.

 "If the people harbour us, they will die" Jake said, "Look I got nothing. I got no plan" he admitted "but I can protect this family that I can do" Toruk Makto voiced out embracing his crying mate in his arms. Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk took off to the labs to clear their minds and for the N'vi girl to visit her Mother, after a few more minutes Neteyam slowly walked to the entrance of their home. By now the Mother had calmed down a bit, the incoming footsteps caught the attention of both parents, "Oh, my baby. Thank you, my son" Neytiri has taken the already sleepy child out of her oldest arms, the Mother moved her youngest to their mat getting some clothing to help her daughter putting them on. "Neteyam, could you fetch your siblings" Jake asked his son, while packing some stuff, "Yes, sir" with that the oldest left. "My sweet child, are you hungry?" the Na'vi woman asked her daughter, Sìlpey nodded her head with closed eyes ready to doze off.

Jake had prepared the food as the family sat in a semicircle, not speaking much as the events still affected everyone. "Hey, sleepy head, keep chewing" the Father chuckled, tapping Sìlpey's cheek as she nearly fell asleep with her mouth full of half chewed fruit. The small Na'vi straightened up in jake's lap, quickly resuming back to eating, "You sure you don't want to go to sleep" he asked his youngest, stroking over her head. "No, I'm hungry" Sìlpey said, thought Jake was not really convinced as she was dozing off again seconds after her statement. "If you say so" was all he had to say while his little one snuggled up to him. Neytiri smiled at the exchange, once again thanking the great Mother.


Early in the morning, the family finished packing up, not bothering to wake Tuktirey or Sìlpey up. The Sully's were glad that the girls slept through the night and all morning after what happened. Soon the whole clan stood at the Tree of Souls, watching as Jake passed on his title as Olo'eyktan, shortly after the family walked thought the crowd to their sky beasts, ready to take off. Tuk was seated with her Mother while Pey sat by her Father, as the Ikrans soared thought the endless sky all the Sully's watched the forest grew smaller with every passing minute. Jake has taken the lead, guiding his family over the liquid blue ground of the sea. Two hours passed till Sìlpey called out to her Father, "Papa, I am hungry" looking up at him seeing him glance at her with a smile gracing his face, "Already babygirl?" "Yes" reaching to a pouch that laid around his waist with dries fruit, that his mate gave him for exactly that reason, he passed it on to his little joy. "Don't eat everything at once, okay?" "Okay" with that his arm turned back to its position around her body.

After another three hours, the clouds ahead of them begun to turn dark, indicating an upcoming storm. So the Sully's prepared for it, Neytiri wrapped a blanked like cloth around Tuk, as the older children did the same in hops of staying as dry as possible. Jake too wrapped Sìlpey up in one of her fluffy towels, which the family had more than enough of them, and staringly it seemed that the towels did multiply on their own as Jake kept finding more and more around their hut. Soon he added a leathery fabric around her, also building a hood out of it for her head, Sìlpey tended to get sick easily when she seemed stressed and after everything that happened he wanted to make sure that his little girl stayed as healthy as possibly. "Are you alright, little one? It's not too tight, is it?" the Na'vi father asked, wanting to make sure his daughter was comfortable, "I'm Fine" She measured him. Soon the reminding three hours begun as the rain fell from the clouds.

"Are we there?" Tuktirey asked for the upmost time, "Soon Tuk Tuk" Neytiri answer the sleepy child, both Tuk and Pey fell asleep in their blanket wrappings, who could blame them both of them were young, and the journey was long besides the wrappings made them feel secure and warm. What felt like a few minutes to the youngest was an hour for the grown-ups, but now both parents could weak up their kids. Pointing out the beautiful lands of the reef people, Sìlpey's eyes lightened up at the beautiful sight in front of her. But would it be as pretty as her home, she wondered.


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