
Bibiana opened the front door of the house. She'd achieved her barometer of success: light headedness. Feeling euphoric, she moved into the kitchen, where a few of her housemates were gathered around the table. They all greeted her cheerily and to her relief, she noticed Delyan wasn't around. Dirty dishes and coffee cups littered the counters. She began to fill the dishwasher.

"I can do that," Princess said.

Bibiana shook her head gesturing for Princess to stay where she was.

"Delyan and I interviewed a girl to share my room yesterday," she said, picking up a damp cloth from the sink. "She'll be here soon."

"She's moving in?" Princess sounded surprised.

Bibiana vigorously wiped down the sink and counters.


Nick stood to put his plate in the dishwasher, and then realizing the machine was already whirring, he dropped it in the sink.

"What's she like?"

Bibiana shrugged.

"Okay, I guess. Another model." She picked up Nick's plate and rinsed it under the tap.

"What nationality?" Princess asked. She pushed a miniscule cup across the table towards Shortie who was pouring tea from a Japanese style tea pot.

"She's South African." Bibiana said, taking a seat at the table.

Shortie stopped pouring. Her beautiful eyes looked troubled. "Is she an Afrikaner?"

"What's that?" Princess asked.

"An ethnic group," Shortie said.

Shortie raised the teapot in Bibiana's direction.

"Want some?"

Bibiana stood to reach a cup from the drying rack. The sweet floral scent of jasmine filled the room. Herbal tea was okay. Virtually calorie free.

"She's white. If that's what you're asking.'

"I assumed so." Shortie's tone was clipped.

"Why would you assume that?" Princess never let an ambiguous statement go unexplained.

Shortie hesitated before answering.

"Because there aren't a lot of black South African models in Milan."

"I didn't know that."

Ignoring Princess, Shortie looked at Bibiana.

"You didn't think to check with the rest of us before you invited this woman to live with us?"

"Twig met her." Bibiana said defensively eyeing Nick across the table. She started to sweat again. "You thought she was alright, right?"

Nick shrugged. "Seemed normal enough to me." He smiled at Shortie: "What's your issue?"

"Nothing. I'm saying nothing." An awkward pause ensued. Shortie sipped loudly on her tea.

Princess spoke first: "What's her name?"

"Charlene but she said to call her Charlie." Bibiana's answering voice was soft. She was getting the sense that she'd screwed up again.

"Sounds Afrikaans to me," Shortie said.

"You know...it's a type of reverse racism what you're doing here?" A smile played at the corner of Nick's lips as he spoke.

"I'm not doing anything," Shortie snapped.

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