James sighed, falling backwards onto the lounge chair. "Jo, you two need to sort this out. It's causing a rift in the cosmos."

  She raised an eyebrow.

  "A rift between us! It's so bloody awkward, we can't mention you to him, you can't talk to him, we have to have separate occasions for everything. If he won't man up and talk to you, you better do it for him."

  Doubtfully, she said, "and if he ignores me?"

  "Bug him until he does something to shut you up."

  Jo rolled her eyes. "Let's save that for later." Offering her arm, she gestured towards the door, "shall we? We don't want to keep Miss Evans waiting, do we?"

  The two giggling like the twelve-year-olds they were the first time they found the passage, James and Jo pushed the suit of armor to the left, watching the wall open up. "After you, m'lady," he said courteously. Jo hiked up her dress, ducking ever so slightly so her hair wouldn't get messed up.

  "Remember," her brother said said, as they made their way through the tunnel, "I walk first—"

  "I cue the music, I follow you around the beat drop. I know, I know. Practiced all the spells twice with you, like, an hour ago."

  "That's my girl!" James grinned, taking her hand gratefully and hoisting himself up. Looking at the crowd, just out of view from the side of the banisters, Jo felt her stomach drop. Reassuringly, James squeezed her hand. "You need a minute?"

  She shook her head, adjusting their arms so hers was looped around his elbow. "Never been more ready." Pulling her wand out of her back pocket, she tapped both her and James' outfits, turning them black. "Time to shine, brother dearest."

  Hate them, or love them, one had to admit, no one did dramatic entrances like the Potters.

  Following a procession of fireworks, dazzling wandwork (Minnie's smile indicated that she approved very much), one-two-three-four? costume changes, and co-ordinating the rest of the ball decor — fountains, ice sculptures, snowflakes, the like — to match their display, Jo and James finally reached the bottom of the staircase, and were met with a round of applause.

  The twins exchanged a glance after they bowed. "Save me a dance?"

  "I'll see if I can fit you in," Jo gave him a lopsided smirk as the boy went off to find his date.

  Out of the blue, he turned back and whispered quickly, "you did replace the fountain water with firewhisky, right?"

  "Of course I did, silly," she replied, less offended than she should be. Pushing him in Lily's direction, she hollered loudly, "now be free, Prongsie." Jo herself made a beeline for the punch table, before she was drawn back by none other than Remus Lupin.

  He gave her a slow smile. "Well, isn't someone dressed up?"

  "I could say the same for you, Lupin. Where's your date, darling?"

  The boy gave her a half-hearted shrug. "I'm afraid I don't have one."

  She lowered her voice conspirituality, "and . . . Siri?" Following Remus's gaze, she saw the eldest Black brother with Marlene and Dorcas, holding what was definitely not punch in a goblet. "Ah. Then, may I have this dance?"

  Surprise washed over his features. "Dance? Jo, I'm not much for dancing"

  "But for me you will, won't you, Moony?" she made way towards the center of the commotion, "please, let me awe them with my tailoring skills?" Jo didn't need to add the last bit, though, because Remus was already following her, an endearing sort of look in his eyes.

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