"Chao" I greet. "I'm sorry I didn't make it here sooner.

The shopkeeper greets me and brings out the painting we had packed that last time I was in here. We talked for a bit about the fountain and I noted there was still a hole in the wall where the painting once hung. "You need to display more of your work there." He laughed but I continued, "you never know when someone walks in the door is going right for it". He waves me off but he has a big smile. I can tell he is proud. I thank him profusely as we part ways and I head to the post office.

The painting wasn't heavy but the box it was in was large making it awkward walking on the busy sidewalk with it. I didn't have handles to hold and it was too tall for me to carry under my arm. I struggled with it for five blocks, but I was relieved when I saw the red postal boxes signaling I was at my destination. I maneuvered the door open blindly as the box was in my view. I am stopped in my tracks running into something and hear someone shout,


"Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me." I lowered the box and my jaw dropped. I blink a few times making sure what I'm seeing is real. "Oh my god, Lizzo!"

She flashes her megawatt smile at me and I feel like I'm standing in her bright light.

Immediately I drop my package and my hands go to my face. "I can't believe I ran into you, sorry about that by the way. I didn't hurt you did I? What are you doing out and about alone? Shouldn't you have bodyguards with you at all times? Don't want you running into lunatics out there. You have to watch out. I just, I love your music so much! Oh my God I can't believe it!"

I was shouting in her face. It only occurred to me I was loud after I took in her wide eyes with a hint of terror.

"Awe, sweetie, thanks for being a fan."

"Oh my gosh yes! I love your music and your whole look is incredible. I saw you in Chicago a few years back. What are you doing here?"

I'm rambling. I was talking to her like we were old friends, not complete strangers.

"I'm mailing some stuff." She says with a laugh.

"Oh yes of course" I chuckle and then it hits me, "Oh you're on tour!"

"I am," She nods.

"Are you playing here?"

"No, we played in Rome last night."

"Oh wow I bet it was amazing. So now you're just doing some sightseeing?"

"Business actually."

It was her tone on those two words that clued me into the fact that I was overstaying my conversational welcome.

"Oh yes, yep, I'm sure you're very busy. I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan, love your music and I can't wait to see you live again and sorry for blindly running into you."

"Thank you. What was your name?"


"Thanks for being a fan Ava."

"You too. Take care." I automatically respond.

That doesn't even make sense you idiot

If she noticed my mistake she didn't say anything. I just stood there awkwardly not knowing how to get myself out of this conversational mess I made.

For her part she didn't seem put out by me at all and I am relieved until she turns around to face the front of the line. I can feel my face heat up in embarrassment as I realize I have to stand in-line behind her and pretend I didn't just make an ass out of myself in front of Lizzo and everyone else in this small lobby.

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