Master Yang's Haunted Temple

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Jay: "You're the leader Cole, you open it!"

Cole: "But-"

ViperWing knew they were pranking Cole. Cole opens the father clock and the falcon flies out, making Cole scream. The others laughed and Cole realized it was a prank. ViperWing chuckles, remembering it one time when they were with their friends. Cole then got angry and left the room, the others hearing noises got scared and chased after Cole. ViperWing sighs and follows them. When Cole opens the door, which the others told him no to, they see Master's Yang dojo where he trained his pupils. While they talked to each other, ViperWing see's a little movement on the swords.

ViperWing: "We should leave now."

Jay: "So now this is finally getting to you? I thought you were brave-"

ViperWing: "We need to go now!"

They hear a voice.

??: "As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens students."

The swords moves more and floats up and points its end at them.

Cole: "Ok so where do we go?!"

ViperWing: "I don't know!" *they all run out of the dojo and closes the door behind them making the swords stab the door*

ViperWing and the others then encounter bats which the others run away leaving ViperWing behind.

ViperWing: "Wait-! *sighs*"

They summoned a smoke bomb and threw it into the ground creating a huge smoke, making the bats lose them and going after the ninjas. ViperWing also went after the ninjas and heard them scream downstairs. Running downstairs, they see the main doors open and see the ninjas dangling. They ran and helped them get inside. They all decided to return to the main room they were in earlier, not the dojo but the library. They sighed and rested down while ViperWing looked at them angrily.

ViperWing: "What was that?! Abandoning someone behind! I thought ninjas never leave anyone behind!"

Cole: "Look we're just scared and-"

ViperWing: "I'm not scared! Even if you were scared, all of you, you should've worried about who's with you and who isn't. You literally left me behind for dead! Or something like that! That's stabbing someone on the back! I promise not to stab you guys in the back but you can though? I thought you were better than this."

The ninjas go quiet.

ViperWing: *sighs and holds their head* "I just- I'm sorry I snapped like that.." *walks to the other side of the room and sits down, bringing their knees up to them and hides their face*

Zane: "We should forgive them!"

Kai: "Let's give them some space first, then we'll talk to them.."

Cole: "So what do we do? We're trapped here now."

Kai: "All we have to do is just stay here for the night and then we get to have the airjitzu somehow.."

Jay: "At least the commotion calmed down."

Kai looked at the painting of Sensi Yang and thought he saw it move. The father clock then dongs, making Cole scream.

Cole: "It's just the clock, we're not scared of time. But we're scared of not getting out of time!"

Zane: "Everyone, get a hold of yourself! Even if my voice was normal, I would still be yelling at this volume!"

ViperWing chuckles a little.

Jay: "What? What's so funny?!"

ViperWing: "Sorry, it's just- puns, time puns."

Cole: "Great, now ViperWing is going crazy with puns!"

The Forgotten History [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz