Pre season drabble

329 16 2

*Private chat between Lanceteban*

Mon minou: LANCE ARE YOU OK??!?!
(My kitty)

Mon minou: LANCE

Mon minou: ARE

Mon minou: YOU

Mon minou: OK?

Mon minou: BÉBÉ, TU VAS BIEN?
                         (BABY ARE YOU OK?)

Mon nounours: Je vais bien, c'était un incident mineur
(My teddy)                               (I'm fine, it was a minor incident)

Mon minou: INCIDENT MINEUR!??!!
                         (MINOR INCIDENT)

                            (YOU BROKE YOUR WRISTS)

Mon nounours: Babe, calm down

                         (I WAS WORRIED FOR YOU)

Mon nounours: Je ne peux pas participer aux tests tho
                                (I can't participate in testing tho)

Mon minou: Assurez-vous de bien vous reposer
                       (Make sure you get some good rest)

Mon nounours: Merci mon chou
                               (Thanks my cabbage)

Yeah ik french is weird



Seb: Lance are you ok?

Lance: Yeah, the team hopes I should be back in the car
                for the race

Mick: We should add Felipe since he's filling in for you

Daniel added Felipe

Felipe: Hi

Daniel: Welcome to the realm of chaos

Elderly driver: Prepare to die

Daniel: OF FUN :)

Lewis: No one actually going to die

Felipe: Why am I here?

Mick: Every driver that races during the season is 
            added to the chat

Nyck: Then how come I wasn't added till this season?


Sassy: Sorry

Nyck: It's ok

Logan: Hi Felipe

Felipe: Hi Logan 

Logan: Good to be sharing the track with you again
               ( No offence lance)

Lance: No it's fine

Felipe: I know who everyone is,  but who's Elderly driver?

Guanyu: Nando

Elderly driver: Why is my name still stuck like this?

Bob👷‍♂️🧱: I want to know that too

Felipe: Hi Rob

Bob👷‍♂️🧱: Hi Felipe

Felipe: You're in this chat too?

Bob👷‍♂️🧱: Yeah, Callum & I hacked our way in

Elderly driver: Back to the subject

Sassy: There's a reason behind your nicknames

Elderly driver: And that reason is?

Sassy: It's quite fitting

Elderly driver: Have you no respect for your elders


Guanyu: Well...

Max: Should I tell him?

Charles: Don't you dare

Elderly driver: Tell me what???

George: "Have you no respect for your ELDERS"

Alex: Sounds like something an old person would say

Lewis: C'mon guys, don't gang up on Nando

Lando: But you started it

Oscar: Oooh I remember this chapter

Lewis: I was just stating the truth

Seb: Day 1 & chaos has already taken over


I don't have a seat

Bob added Felipe

Bob👷‍♂️🧱: Welcome to the reserve drivers groupchat

Felipe: Is it as chaotic as the other one

Bob👷‍♂️🧱: Not yet we only have one chapter

Sassy: 😬😬😬

Sassy: Yeah, I need to work on that

Felipe: Hi everyone

Everyone: Hi Felipe

Felipe: *Whispers*Why does it say everyone

Sassy: *Whispers back* Because  I'm tired

Mick: How are you two whispering in text form?

Mick: *Whispers* Nvm I can do it


Idk what else to put.

Formula drivers Groupchatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें