Right back at it again

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(Princess) Ashley's POV:

She had been grabbed by the members of F.E.A.R., she realized that much now as she sat in a new cell. She was so confused. 'Ashley cheated on me. That much I'm sure of. Then I bumped into..... Jake. I bumped into Jake and he took me home.... Yeah... Then I left and went to Rolinda's... They must have been hiding in her house....' She thought to herself, trying to get everything figured out. This time around, she was in some black pants and a shirt that said 'OUTLAW'S GIRL' on the back. Looking around, she sighed softly to herself "He's not here..... That puts me a little more at ease....." she said softly to herself, jumping as she heard a dark voice "After what he did to you, you still care about him? You still want him to be safe? How admirable. You know, there aren't many people around here that are like you... That must be why you have the gift. Heh. I see." William Control said, walking out of the shadow. The small girl backed into the corner of the cell, gulping slightly. "Blackmore, here!" he said and Blackmore came out of a room and William unlocked the cell, letting Blackmore in and then locking it. "Get her to use her power. This block is clear of my soldiers and the light cannot hurt you.I don't want to have to get the man here, but I will if I have to." The leader of F.E.A.R. said to the man with a utility belt of torture tools. "Will do, boss." "Oh, and remember, if you kill her, I will kill you" William looked at Blackmore, who grinned "Oh, I won't kill her. I'll just make her wish she was dead." William and Blackmore nodded to each other and William walked out of the room. Blackmore walked over and chained her hands to the wall, with great difficulty. When he was done, he tried to talk with her, but she wouldn't listen. He grinned and brought up a whip, hitting her in the face. She didn't scream, she wouldn't let him have that pleasure. 'Ashley.... Please save me....' she thought to herself as Blackmore kept abusing her. In her absence of thought, he stabbed her in the stomach, making her scream out loudly in pain

Ashley's POV:

He felt a sharp pain in his side and he crumpled to the ground, unaware of where the pain was coming from. Rolinda ran into the door, panting "We've been invaded by F.E.A.R. They took the princess Ashley. I, unfortunately, was too late to save her. I'm so sorry" Rolinda said and Ashley's face dropped. 'Is that where that pain is coming from? Are they hurting her?' He thought to himself and he stood up. "I'm the reason she was so easy to catch. I'm going after her, Andy. I'll ask Jessica to help. You can come later as backup." He said, starting to walk out of the door. Andy grabbed his arm "Just give us time to--" "No! I can feel it! They're hurting her! I can't just sit back and wait when I KNOW they're hurting the one girl I've loved that I've ALREADY hurt! I can't! You, of all people should understand. What if they took Sammi?! What the fuck would you do then, Andy?!" He practically shouted at his friend, tears welling up in his eyes. Andy let his arm go and he ran out of the door, going to find Jessica, Rolinda running after him "Please, let me help" she begged as he walked up to Jessica's door and he nodded "Just don't get in my way.". He knocked at Jessica's door and flinched over in pain, holding his stomach "Don't worry, my love. I'm coming to rescue you" he said under his breath, biting his lip softly

(Princess) Ashley's POV

She was close to passing out, her abdomen bleeding heavily. Blackmore grunted "What the fuck is it going to take for you to use your power, freak?!" he asked, slapping her across the face as hard as he possibly could. She grunted a little bit, still not giving him the pleasure of hearing her scream. He growled and walked to the door of the cell "SOMEONE LET ME OUT! AND GET A FUCKING MEDIC IN HERE" Blackmore screamed, his voice full of rage. A F.E.A.R. soldier rushed in and did as he said. She was blacking out, her blue eyes slowly closing. They unchained her arms and one picked her up, carrying her to the medical unit of the fortress-like base. They patched her wounds and kept her until she awoke, talking to William and he ordered Blackmore to leave her until her injuries healed. He couldn't let his catch die. She was his key to kill the rebellion.

William Control's POV:

"I told you to get information out of her, not to beat her half to death!" William said to Blackmore, glaring at him. "Get me the man. The one who put the ring on her finger. He's the only way to get to her, if you remember correctly. I've been observing them for quite some time, their bond had grown. Possibly to the point where they share pain, suffering. He most likely already knows we have her. You see anyone approaching the base, you take them out. Unless the man comes. The most you are to do to him is knock him out, do you understand me? One more failure from you and it will be you who is the next one that meets an..... Unfortunate end." To this, Blackmore gulped and nodded "Yes, sir. I will not fail you again."

Jessica Control's POV:


"I'll be back, I promise. I've gotten in and out of that place more times than I can count." she said as she kissed Jake softly, putting her hands on his face and looking him in the eyes. He nodded and she smiles "I'll be back, love" She said as she started to walk. There were four of them going now. CC, who thought of the eldest princess as a younger sister, Ashley, who looked like he was slowly dying inside, Rolinda, who looked like she had done something terrible and couldn't let it go and herself. "Alright, guys. Let's go." She said, being the leader of the pack

-timeskip to when the last paragraph took place-

They had gotten to the base, successfully sneaking inside. She saw Ashley hold his head and it looked like he wasn't well. "We need to hurry..." He said softly and she nodded, hearing Blackmore yell ""SOMEONE LET ME OUT! AND GET A FUCKING MEDIC IN HERE". Ashley perked up and tried to run, but CC held him back. "You guys stay here, I know where the medical wing is. Keep out of sight, if they see you, they'll kill you" she said softly but she felt a hand wrap around her wrist "Please, let me come with you..." Ashley begged her and she nodded softly "Alright, just keep quiet."

Ashley's POV:

He grabbed Jessica's wrist, stopping her from going anywhere "Please, let me come with you" He quietly begged her and she nodded "Alright, just keep quiet" she replied as she took him through the tunnels. He could feel her pain, her weakness. He knew she was dying, he could never live with himself if she passed away. He saw her and knew he needed to stay hidden. After the F.E.A.R. soldiers were gone, he walked up to her. She looked like a ghost. The little bit of color she had in her skin was gone and her blue eyes were closed, but the ring was still on her finger. He picked her up and carried her back to the tunnel, where Jessica was waiting. He made his way out, until he found the two others. "Let's go home" he said softly, looking at the angel in his arms. After getting out of the base, they heard an alarm go off, but they were too far for anyone to do anything about it. He had found his love, she was still alive. But he knew he would have to apologize when she woke up, he could only pray that she would forgive him, and that he hadn't made the most devastating mistake of his life. He needed her, he needed his princess. The princess who was to become his queen. Seeing her shivering, he handed her to CC for a moment and put his jacket on her, taking her back into his arms and looking down at her torn-up shirt, from where she had been stabbed multiple times. He hugged her small body close to his and sighed a bit. The village was in sight and the sun was coming up. He checked the pale girl and she had a very light pulse. He took off, running towards the village to get her some much-needed medical attention. "Please hang in there, I can't lose you" he whispered to her and tears clouded his vision, falling onto her face. The motions made her awaken a little bit, and she looked at him. "Thank you.... So much... For saving me.... Ashley...." she said weakly before slipping unto unconsciousness once more, her head falling onto his chest. This made him run faster, making sure that she wouldn't die in his arms.

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