29- Surprise, huge surprise

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Savannah's pov

Days passed by and it was already my result day. The day after the hearing, we slowly engulfed the peace. I was not thinking about my guardian family anymore and left it on my faith. Two days back our result date was out and since then I'm nervous.

I did well but I don't know what should I expect. Reeh called me and I can tell she was twenty times more nervous than what I was. We decided that she will pick me up, because we both need each other and everyone else may join at the time of ceremony.

Lucy knowing my nervousness wanted to be by my side the whole time but I assured him that I'll be fine. He is waiting in the living room while I'm getting dressed up. I wore a lilac coloured skin fit gown paired with a black jean jacket. A bit of kohl, perfume and lipgloss made me feel a bit more confident.

I descended the stairs and hugged Lucy from behind. He immediately turned around and pecked my forehead before cradling my face in his palms. "I know you will excel in all papers but I want you to know no matter what I'll love you the same."

His words were enough to well up my eyes and spread warmness in my heart. I gave him a small smile and kissed his lips showing my gratitude. Soon after he grinned like a teenage boy when doorbell rang and notified Reeh's arrival.

We went out and Lucy made me sit after a peck on my cheek. Reeh waved bye and drove us to our university. We took our seats as per our seat numbers. Reeh was right behind me and she was excited to gossip about the guys of our batch.

I tried searching the side where our family members were to be seated. No signs of Lucifer yet, it made me more anxious as time passed. As a kid I never had my parents visiting me on my achievements or result days. Lucifer knew this and promised that he along with all our family members will attend this event.

A few minutes later I got a call from Bella, I answered, "where are we supposed to sit Savy I think we have lost" I replied "don't worry just fine a crew member they will help"

A few seconds later she squealed, "yeahhh we found the place, good luck dear" and hung up. I smiled at my screen and kept it aside as the event began. Principal and teacher gave their short speeches which were not so short and later started calling out names to handover the degrees.

My name was called out after three rows were done. I walk up to the stage with confidence and smiled at the camera while holding the degree. I have achieved what I wanted and I'm sooo much happy about it. Soon it was Reeh's turn and she looked like a little excited kid.

It went on and soon the event came to an end. But then the principal announced, "we would like to call our special guest upon the stage to deliver his best wishes for this batch. With a huge round of applause please welcome Mr. Lucifer Parker."

I was shocked would be an understatement. Why are they inviting Lucy on stage, why is he so important. Reeh tapped on my back and I turned to look. She showed her mobile screen and it was written in bold black letters, "Owner of Parker Co."

She further searched and showed again "Millionaire Businessmen" I looked up and Reeh's eyes matched mine. We focused on the stage and Lucy winked my way. I only knew he goes to office, nothing beyond that. He gave the small speech on which I didn't pay attention. I was struck by his beauty, his lips moving smoothly, his hair combed back neatly, he held an aura and his voice authority. My love for this man was increasing day by day and I'm thankful for having him in my life.

Soon everyone applauded and he left the stage. Once out I started walking towards the parking lot. He was standing there along with Tyler and rest of our family members are nowhere to be seen. I hugged Lucy and before I start asking questions he started speaking, "our family is waiting at mom's place because she is throwing a party for your success. Whatever questions you have will be answered later but for now listen to what Rihanna is saying" with that he turned me around.

Reeh hugged me and Tyler was smiling my way. I opened my mouth to ask what's going on but Reeh whisper-yelled at the same moment, "we four are having our first trip together to Seattle for a whole week." As soon as I realised what she said I started jumping up and down with joy and she matched my energy. We heard laughter a few seconds later and stopped instantly. I can't believe I'm being on a vacation with all my love ones soon. I have never been anywhere before and I'm so happy to explore finally.

I hugged Lucy and whispered thanks but he had other plans and took hold of my lips. I felt shy so pulled away and he chuckled at my reaction. Lucifer wanted us to hurry up our dinner and get the packing done on time because our flight is at 2 tomorrow. I and Lucy got settled in our car while Reeh and Tyler took her car. I made a mental note to ask Reeh about her and Tyler and when did everything happen. While fighting my own problems I forgot I have a best friend and should take care of her.

Lucy silently squeezed my thigh as if knowing the dilemma I'm going through. I squeezed his hand in response to show my gratitude. I'm finally surrounded by people who understand me and don't push me with things they expect me to do. The surprise that he was a millionaire and we four are going to Seattle is still foreign to me.

So i asked, "Lucy why did you never disclosed that you are the owner of a well known company?" He smiled and questioned back, "does it change your love for me" I instantly shook my head in no. He kissed my palm and replied, "no matter who I am you still love me the same, that's the reason I never shared."

That's true millionaire or not I don't care, I fell for this guy and his nature towards me nothing else.

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