I don't really know what started it

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Santa Carla. The murder capital of the world. And somehow you weren't dead. It wasn't like you wanted to be but with your luck you kind of expected to be by now. But you weren't and since it was a warm spring night and you were bored, you decided to go to the boardwalk. You threw on your black leather jacket, slipped on your shoes, grabbed your bag and keys, informed your parents of where you were going, and headed out the door.

You'd been to the boardwalk quite a few times before, you did work on it after all, but tonight something felt... different. You didn't think it was worth dwelling on and shrugged it off before you turned your attention to the cool gentle breeze the rest of the time you were walking.

Once you arrived at the tourist destination you headed to the comic book store to say hi to the brothers who you worked with there. When you first got the job a few months ago you thought it was weird that the two seemingly owned the place due to their young appearances but when you met the boys' parents very briefly it began to make sense as to why they were left to keep the place running. You entered the store and scanned the room for your friends if that's what you were calling them now. After a moment you saw them near the wall opposite you with their backs turned to the door as they sorted out the comics on the shelves over there. You tip-toed up behind them, making sure they didn't hear or see you and jump-scared them with the classic "Boo!" which made the two boys scream and basically jump out of their skins. You laughed as they turned to face you with their arms crossed over their chests and shaking their heads.

"Y/N!" Alan said disapprovingly
"Sorry guys." You said once you had stopped laughing "I couldn't resist"
They both sighed and rolled their eyes at you, unlinking their arms and dropping them at their sides.
"Anyway..." you said dragging it out just a little bit "how have you two been? Get many people coming in?" You asked trying a bit of small talk which was rare coming from you
"We've been alright. Not really, kind of been a slow day." Edgar shrugged "what about you? See any vampires around?"
You laugh a little "I've been alright but you really need to knock off all this vampire bullshit, they're not real" You said as you rolled your eyes at the two brothers. You didn't understand how they had become pretty much obsessed with the idea that undead creatures that fed on blood and slept in coffins existed. You could only blame it on the number of horror comics they read and their overactive imaginations. You just hoped they wouldn't mistake you for one and kill you one day.
"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Just don't come running to us when you've been bitten by one." Alan said sarcastically.
"Alright. I won't." You reply with a sarcastic smile and a small shrug of your shoulders.
They both rolled their eyes before the three of you stood staring and each other in silence. It was kind of awkward. Edgar raised an eyebrow at you as if he was asking 'did you want anything else?'
You shook your head to the question prompted by the boy's facial expression "nope" You added to the gesture before you paused and looked up at the ceiling in thought before looking back down at the boys. "Other than scaring the shit out of the two of you of course," you say with an innocent-looking smile. You then turn and wave as you run out of the door, shouting "bye" as you do so.

You step out of the building and onto the wooden surface of the boardwalk. You weren't sure where to go or what to do next so you just walked around, going into a store now and again. You bought things here and there but the majority of the time you just browsed. At one point in the night you thought about possibly going on some of the rides but a quick glance at the queues made you rethink your idea.

After an hour or two you decided to go back home so you turned around and walked down the boardwalk in the opposite direction. Once you had stepped off you noticed a group of four guys seemingly staring at you. You had seen the group before and it seemed as if they were always following you and tonight you decided to finally confront them about it. You walked up to them and cleared your throat to make sure that they knew you were there.
They all tilted their heads downwards a bit to meet your gaze.
"Hello?" One of them said with a raised brow. He had a platinum blonde mullet and wore a long black coat.
You skipped the greeting and cut to the chase "are you stalking me or something?" You asked everyone in the group. It was unlike you to be this forward but you thought it was probably better to ask now than later when you most likely wouldn't know how to bring it up.
They all laughed and looked around at each other. You crossed your arms and exhaled a breath in frustration.
"I'm being serious. You always seem to be where I am and it's like you're all following me"
The same guy reluctantly placed a hand on your shoulder and spoke again "I can assure you we're not following you, stalking you or anything of that sort. It's just a coincidence." When he finished speaking he smiled at you, which in all honesty looked more like a smirk, and removed his hand from your shoulder.
You smiled back at him since you weren't sure what else to do. He placed his in front of you in a way that it was clear it was for you to shake, so you took it.
"I'm David." He said
"Y/N" you smiled at him again
You shake hands with David before you let go of each other's hands.
"This is Marko, Paul and Dwayne." He said as he gestured at each person in turn as they waved one by one as their name was called.
You said a quick "hi" and waved to each of them in return.

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