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With a sudden turn, Trey walked into the library and set Y/N down near the tables inside of the room before walking to the desk and giving a ghost a book he made small talk as the ghost seemed to check the book back in. Soon Trey walked back to Y/N after the interaction. " I will be looking through the shelves a bit. You can head to class if you'd like " Y/N only nodded in understanding meant but followed Trey as he walked further into the library. Trey made it to a few shelves that had books with various foods on the covers of them. As he looked through the books on the higher shelves, Y/N looked through many books he could get his hands on. Soon Y/N pulled away from where Trey was and made it further down the shelves while still being in Trey's eyesight. While Y/N was looking through the books he heard a group of multiple footsteps walking into the room. Y/N looked around the corner to see Yuu, Ace, Deuce, and grim head over to Trey.

Y/N watched the group from afar, Not yet announcing his presence to the others in the group. A couple of times Trey would glance over to Y/N only to See him watching from around the corner. From what Y/N could see many emotions were happening in the group. The one-moment Y/N took his eyes off the group a loud voice was suddenly speaking. " Could you quiet down!? This is a library! " Y/N flinched as his head snapped over to the voice, only to see it was the Loud man from the ceremony. A slightly crossed look was on his face as he finally closed the gap between himself and the group. As they spoke, none of them realized Y/N creeping closer behind the bird. Once he stopped he grabbed onto the bird's pant leg, pulling a sudden attention onto himself as the bird immediately looked down at the slightest touch. There Y/N was, hand tightly gripped onto the clothing and examining the group.

" Y/N! I didn't realize you were here " Crowley stuttered out Y/N's name, not expecting him to suddenly pop up beside him. Trey only smiled at the older one, " Y/N came in with me to avoid being squished by the other students rushing to get to class " Y/N nodded as he let go of the crow and grabbed onto Yuu, who was the second closest to him. Making a motion up to get picked up, Yuu picked him up and held him on his hip. Like a soccer mother trying to hold the ball and her younger kid at the same time. Y/N closed his eyes as he leaned onto Yuu's shoulder and held loosely onto his clothing. Hiding his head in the shoulder, Y/N didn't really pay attention to what was being said but he did hear a few things such as challenging Riddle for Househead. As Y/N was almost asleep on Yuu's Shoulder, a hand was set onto his back causing him to flinch harshly and pull away from the touch quickly. Causing Y/N to break from Yuu's grasp and tumble toward the A-Deuce combo.

The two are stunned for a moment before quickly trying to save Y/N from hitting his head. Luckily he was caught by Deuce faster than his reddish-orange-haired companion. With a scared look on his face, Y/N looked at the person who put their hands on him. The hand belonged to no other than the loud bird. Y/N only held a look of concern as he hid in Deuce's arms. " I think we should call our talk here. We still have our classes, headmaster " Trey spoke up as he got closer to Deuce and took Y/N into his own arms. " Make sure you guys are not late " and with that Trey quickly left with Y/N. Not leaving a moment to spare for the group. " What was that, Mister?! Ya scared the poor kid! " Grim called out from up top the table next to the group. With a shocked look in his eyes, Dire Crowley only mumbled out " That was not my intention.... "


Y/N's heart was only slightly beating in his ears by the time Trey made it to his classroom to drop him off. " Y/N, we're here... " Trey said as he sat Y/N onto the floor. " Try and calm down with your friends, alright? " His hand lingered on top of Y/N's head before he took off. It had been only a few minutes before the bell so it had made sense on the quickness of leaving. Y/N only watched as Trey left before walking inside his classroom and his eyes searched for his wolf friend. Not seeing him in the immediate room made Y/N look for the shorter male that stuck by their side. Spotting him at his desk, he made his way over and sat next to the boy. Epel's eyes lit up as he heard the seat next to him and looked over at Y/N and spoke excitedly in a very heavy Southern accent " Y/N! Hav yawl sayn Jack? Ah know hay's chur roommate so Ah wuz wondering " Y/N could only slowly blink at Epel, clearly not being able to understand.

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