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"fucking finally. all that old hag knows how to do is talk," i sneer, piling food onto my plate as dumbledore concludes his speech. 

"now dont be mean azzi. is that anyway to speak of your headmaster?" theo adds. i roll my eyes at the sarcasm. he hates the man more than i do. "ugh these potatoes are so lifeless. and the pie is too flaky. the one thing i ask for is a good meal, especially after that horrid train ride, it was so fucking uncomfortable and now my neck hurts." pansy whines.

"i dunno, i thought the ride here was pretty cozy. wouldn't you all agree?" blaise says, looking me directly in the eye. ignoring the obvious sub being thrown, draco adds in. "is the only thing you know how to do is complain, parkinson?" he says with a fake smile. 

"oh you're one to talk! all it takes is one of your pillows to be unevenly fluffed for you to turn it into some big ass deal and cry about it," 


"arent you just the sweetest pie?" draco sarcastically taunts, making pansy glare at him. "anyways.." blaise starts, trying to clear the tension. "our dorm tonight?" he asks, speaking on behalf of him draco and theo. 

"i dunno blaise, cant we hold off the drugs for another time? y'know like maybe not the first fucking day back," i say. i mean really, drugs are fun and all but a little self control would be appreciated. besides, we need to keep a low profile. the professors were hot on our tails last year.

"why do you always assume i want to do drugs, azelea? is it a crime that i want to spend time with my bestfriends?" he asks with fake offense. "because all you do is drugs, blaise. the last time you had to spend more then 12 hours with us you lost it." 

last year we had one of those in-case-of-you-know-who lockdown drills and we couldnt leave our dorms for a full 12 hours. we were all hanging out in mine and pansys dorm when it happened, and 8 hours in, blaise locked himself in our bathroom and refused to come out. 

the rest of us had to pee in cups. 

"thats different. you and draco were on your bitchery and wouldnt stop aruging over wether wolfsbane would kill you or not, and let me tell you it is a TIRING debate to listen to when you both were so painfully wrong." he defends. 

"it definitely would." i state, crossing my arms. just as draco is about to disagree, blaise shoves a bread roll in his mouth. "i am not going through it again," he states simply before going back to his meal. 

"so, are you guys coming or not?" theo asks, switching us back to our previous topic. "i guess," pansy and i say in unison. 


"which one?" i ask pansy, holding up two sweaters to pair with my black leggings. "the grey one, with those fuzzy slippers," she says, pointing to the pair or grey slippers from across the room. i nod simply, tugging the sweater on and heading over to put on the slippers. 

we decided to study for a bit before heading over to the boys dorm after dinner, and sort of lost track of time. 

to make a long story short, we fell asleep and were 2 hours later than we said we'd be. 

"they're never going to live this down," pansy says as we step out the dorm, locking the door on the way out. last year, pansy and i were late to almost all the hangouts, and they had a blast making fun of us for it. 

this year, we'd made a pact to never be late again. we obviously failed. 

"who cares, they need to grow up and understand we have things to take care of too," i say as we approach their dorm and harshly swing the door open, not even bothering to knock. 

"how'd that knew 1997 never late new years resolution go?" draco says with a playful smirk as we walk in. "1998. thats when it starts," i answer simply before throwing myself onto theos bed, laying next to him.

"you smell like weed," i say, burying my face into his herb infested sweater. "do i? well that cant be," he says with low eyes and a weak smile, the marijuana evidently affecting him. "have you been smoking, theo?" i ask, just wanting to play around with him. "jus a little," he says with slurred words as he burys his face into my neck, bringing my hands up to play with his hair.

"why don't you smoke a little, d'cantis. loosen up," blaise says, motioning for me to grab the joint from his hand. i comply, getting out of theo's bed causing him to groan in disappointment. 

the rest of the night consisted of ongoing karaoke, giggling, 21 questions, truth or dare, and top notch stupidity as we continued to get more and more intoxicated by the sacred plant. "its 2am. its late its really late azzi we should get back to our dorm," pansy slurred, not even being able to get herself off the ground. 

"its not like we have classes tomorrow anyways," draco hiccups. "spend the night?" me and pansy look at each other and shrug, kind of a way of saying we're down to do whatever. eventually, she moved up to blaise's bed and i to draco's as we started to settle in for the night. 

pansy didn't hesitate to knock out quick, followed by theo and blaise, leaving me and draco to ourselves, and our thoughts. "azzi? are you awake?" draco asks lowly, not wanting to wake the rest.

"yeah, whats up?" 

"c'mere." he says, turning me to face him and pulling me close into his chest as his free hand caresses my face. 


"draco," azelea speaks, her tone laced with lust and curiosity.

"yeah?" he says back, his tone soft and gentle. 

"what are you doing?" the dark-haired girl asks, doe eyes looking up at him brightly. 

"admiring you. i cant admire you?" he questions, his voice sincere and genuine. 

"okay," she says simply. "thats okay," she mutters before drifting off to sleep. 

the two had appreiciated blaise for keeping what he saw on the train a secret. even though they didnt know what it was themselves. whatever it was, blaise hiding it seemed to be pointless. 

because theodore was awake, and he just heard it all.

normally, it wouldnt be anything too bad, right? 



wrong because theodore nott has been in love with azelea d'cantis for as long as he could remember. but of course, he never told anybody that. so what right does he have to be mad? 


yikesssss anyways who do yall wanna see azzi end up with

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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