Chapter 1

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Today is the day, the day I move in with my bestie Deloris and her little one Psyche. I just moved to this bright new town of Abilene, TX  for my job. I am a blogger of western fashion and activities , I found Abilene as an untouched gem of western culture and just had to wright about it. You see I'm from Richardson, Tx  and its population is 116,382 so everyone has written about everything there possible is in Richardson so not much inspiration to go off of. Deloris moved with me because she got a great teaching job at her daughters preschool, great benefits and free schooling for the little one. She also needed a fresh start after her Ex left them for another Buckle Bunny from California, but that's not important. 

We both wanted something new and different and why not something cheap, we found a "beautiful" 70's home....okay I can't lie its looks like a crack mansion but hey we are crafty and can fix it up. its has two bedrooms and a nice sized kitchen with an out of date sink and don't even get me started on the laundry room but hey I'm not complaining cause rent split between us is only $316 so we are winning in my book and the school is right down the way.

"Yo Ann come help with this couch well ya?" Deloris should from outside making me jump from my thoughts. running out I put my baseball cap backwards to keep out of the way and I pick up one side helping to "pivot" it  through the door, thank you to the friends fans who got that. "Girlfriend are you done zoning out we have boxes to sort and get done, Lord knows I'm not fuckin do it after work tomorrow." Deloris joked while flopping on the cough next to me while psyche played in her play pen, you see Del and I are practically sisters and can talk about anything...she has even seen me naked! but psyche is my god child so Del and I always joke we will turn lesbians' and just parent her together, she is the sweets devil you will meet. "Hey Del how about i drive down to the store and get us some wine? you get the tv hooked up and we play some music and dance the night away with little one?" I asked in a jittery tone  hoping up causing del to fall flat on the couch "Ya then we can start going through boxes and unpacking.....don't forget the pizza!" she yelled out to my while I was walking across the way to the liquor store and the little johns next to it.

After paying I fast walk back home due to it getting dark, I walk into the house being half put together thanks to Del's speed and energy from the five coffees we had on the drive down here "Girl get the cups and some napkins cause I got the goods" I laugh at the look of distress she has from trying to hold something up to pin it, a lovely picture of the three of us when we went to the stock show. I set the food down and do a small jog over to help hold it while she marks where the nail is gunna go, I put it down and drag her to the cough pouring us some win and turning on some Yellowstone our go to show right now. a couple hours pass and all the boxes are gone and the little demon is put down for bed, while her mom and I are drunk watching a cattle auction and day dreaming of the Nice lookin cowboys who would sweep us off our feet. 

While I help Del to bed my phone goes off alerting me of my blog getting another comment 'welcome to the neighborhood! I can't wait to see what is in store for your new chapter' I smile at the new comment and like it sending a quick thanks and wink emoji to the subscriber. Once back to my room I strip and put on a ex's old sweater and crawling into bed, I soon fall asleep to the darkness around me, the nightmare I get sucked into has me tossing and turning and waking up in a cold sweat. I push the hair away from my face and into a bun, the brown and black strands falling here and there making me look like I just ran a 5k. I look at the clock and its reads 3:45am the nest day, cursing myself I grab my phone and head to the bathroom to take a shower to relax my now tense body. I turn on some music and turn the lights brightness down to help nurse my headache from the wine.

Del storms into the bathroom and the lights get brighter causing me to groan out in pain and stick my head out to see what she wanted "girl do you know what I just got sent!  A fuckin text from that buckle bunny Bitch! god how does she even have my number!" I let her rant on and on while the warm water streams down my back allowing it to relax until del steps into the shower clothing and all and hands on both sides of my face "Did you have another nightmare? cause your not talking and no one takes a shower hot enough to melt skin like you do when you are trying to relax" she asked worry laced in her feature's. I give a small nod and she pulls me into a hug "He just won't leave my mind will he?" I ask in a sleepy small voice trying to registered the fact my Bff is in the shower fully clothed while hugging a not clothed me. 

"Hey he is far gone and you don't need to worry about that military POS okay, anyways there is better here! I say tonight after work we both go out! I can find a baby sitter and we can get done up and go out on the town...yeah?" she let go of me and steps out taking her socks off and hanging them up to dry off "Sure i could use some drinks and some dancing" I give a small smile and finish with my shower. A couple hours pass and I'm walking around the small mall they have in town....okay its not to small its actually big but not many store's are open the one place that catches my eye though is small store covered in black and turquoise and silver all over, walking in I notice a small older lady behind the counter look up and smile "Hello there, My name is Tracy if need anything dear" I smile a nod while looking around, stopping at a beautiful white and baby blue blazer for $32 "I refurbished that jacket you know" Tracy smiled pointing at it "I pretty much redid all the clothing you see in the store....." she smiled proudly of her product. I take out my note pad and write down the name of the store and everything she has told me "Hey Tracy I write a blog about clothing like yours and wanted to know if could write a piece for your store? I have a lot of fallowers and it could help bring in more customers." she smiles and has a thinking face "you know, I could use some help around here, maybe you can help me out and then I can help with any questions you have for your piece?" Tracy Looks at me with a hope in her eye and of course i said yes because anything for a story.

 I got back home a couple hours later from scoping out the town for more possible places/stories waiting for me to uncover them but only found one or two more. I walk into the smell of coffee and the sound of music spewing from Del's room, the overwhelming sounds of Imagine dragons playing through the speakers in her room hit me while I open her door to see her and py dancing around to it. "Are ya'll having a dance party without me?" I asked faking a hurt and pained reaction to the events in front of me "you took to long and Py was getting restless before the babysitter could get here" she joked around while Py danced like her ma "well I'm glad I got here when I did" I start to dance along with them but I quickly noticed the time and from my findings of today the bar opens in like 30 minutes so I quickly make my way over to my room and start to get ready, pulling the beautiful blazer I had gotten from Tracy's store with some cute light wash flares and my black boots, I curled my hair and keep light to no make up making the jacket the center piece to my look. 

We make a quick exit to my lovely truck, a dark blue and black 1977 F-250 High Boy. My Truck is my baby, I bought her and fixed it up myself....growing up with three brothers and a dad and step dad a girl learned a thing or two about car's. We pull in and I catch a couple dudes watching my truck pull in and park and thanks to the tint they don't know I am behind the wheel so when I hopped out they were very surprised. After paying and getting marked up saying I can buy myself a drink I walk on up to the counter full of life with Del hooked to me arm in arm, we get up to the bar and hot damn...this guy was bad boy cute....took my breath away cute 'Hey handsome mind hooking us up with jack and cokes?" Del said placing her card down to open a tab. He takes the card and swipes it holding onto it then finally looks up to us, for a seconded he froze when we made eye contact but quickly fixed him self and quickly fixing up our drink. Del pulls me to a table and puts the drink down "Lets go dance!" she drags me out for a quick two step, I got hot and took off my blazer showing off my lovely tank top that hugs just right and then quickly going back out to dance feeling like I have eyes on me the whole time I look around not bale to find who it was. Little did I know the eyes where just behind that bar watching me carefully as I slip in to the drunkin night I was going to regret.

The Dark sided BartenderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ