Chapter 2

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As Jaylin is walking down one of the many stairs in her house she has music playing through her headphones that were connected to her new phone. Her mother decided that if Jaylin was going to be intrested in the muggles thing she should have the best things possibly.

As the young girl reaches the bottom of the stairs she smells pancakes. She smiles knowing that her mother had made her favorite most likely knowing that she wouldn't typicly enjoy shopping especily with her father.

"Pancakes I knew it. Thanks mum." Jaylin said happily.

"You're welcome darling, I know you don't really like shopping." Narcissa replied

Once Jaylin was done eating she called for Dobby and have him clean the dish. She and Dobby are friends, however her father didn't like that about her. Her brother although didn't care for the house elf did tell the young girl that he thought it was somewhat sweet to see Jaylin caring for Dobby.

Luciss and Jaylin never do see eye to eye on most things, mostly because the small girl didn't belive everything the older man did and the old man thought that the young was a complete disapoiment.

"Good moring sis, morning mum." Draco said while entering the kitchen that had been used only a half hour or so before.

"Hey D" The boy's sister replied with his favorite nickname.

"Good morning honey." His mother replied as soon as she was done with her almost gulp of black coffee.

See this is only one of the twins major diffrences, Draco perfered his father of mother while Jaylin perfered her mum. They belive though every one of their difrences just made them closer, and closer each time.

Anyone who truly knows the Malfoy twins can easily point out their difrences for quite some time. Some being looks, as Jaylin had gotten hair and body structure from the mother of the family, Draco had gotten thoes things from their father. Or someone could mention the hobbies, while the dark haired girl liked reading and drawing her brother perfered Quidditch and boasting about his father to his "friends" or as Jaylin liked to call them his bodygaurds. While Draco liked snakes and deadly creatures, his sister liked hampsters and cute animals like cats. As Draco watched horor movies and shows Jaylin perfered to watch action movies and shows from the famous farnchies MARVEL.

Back to the present though, Luciss walks in the room and the twins unknowingly sit up a bit straighter with diffrent reasons. One being wanting to be noticed and loved by his dad and the other not wanting to be a disapoiment to the pale male that was her father.

"Good morning." The father of the family coldly stated.

"Moring dear." The mother of the family said cheerfuly trying to lighting up the mood before going out.

"So do you know how long we'll be out today because I've got to finish a project before going to school?" The dark haired girl asked wanting to finish her porject as soon as posible.

"It shouldn't be much longer that four hours, five at most." Draco answered his twin's question remebering what is favorite parent said last night while they were planing the day out.

"Yes, well we better get going." The blond adult said before going to the fire place in the living room with the Floo Powder next to it.

"I'll go with mum." The eleven year old girl said not wanting to go on her own.

"And I'll go with father." Draco said slightly looking up at his father to see if he wanted for the kid to go with him or not.

"We'll got first." The twins mum said wanting to get over with this whole thing quickly as she didn't like shopping unless it was for clothes.

"See you on the other side D." Jaylin said to her twin before her mother grabbd her hand and the Floo in the other hand then yelling, "Diagon Ally!"

And they we're off.


I hope you like it.

Words : 690

the perspn who wrote this at 3:15 am <333

Confusion, Hermione Granger ON HOLDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz