Chapter 4

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✧Familiarization and annoyance✧



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The Metkayin clan surrounded us with weapons, scanning us. You scanned the unknown na'vi, by which you could tell that their bodies were made for swimming, after all, these are Pandora's seas. We all stand there, waiting for everyone to gather around us, you were damn anxious and irritated knowing that these people were looking at you as if you were some kind of exhibit.
"Calm down," you say to yourself in your mind.
You walk closer pushing in between your brothers. Neteyam looks in your direction, you rest your head lightly against his shoulder.
- Everything will be fine- he whispers to you, clearly seeing your confusion and annoyed eyes, by the whole situation. He knew I didn't like exploring new places. Suddenly two guys emerge from the crowd one shorter with curls and one taller with a man bun.We all greeted them with a simple , "I see you" as a sign of respect. They do not respond
- blind ill-mannered piglet - you say so that Neteyam can hear it, however, which you fail because the taller one says
- something you said - points to you look in direction with an indifferent expression on your face.
- however, he is not blind, my mistake - you smile, he was staring at your eyes, but anyway, it made you even more nervous, causing you to look away. He walks up behind you
-What is this, is it supposed to be a tail? - said the lower one loudly, pulling Neteyam and by the tail I turn around and hiss at him. After making him tear his hands off the tail faster than he grabbed for it, I am proud of myself. However, this draws everyone's attention, when I look out of the corner of my eye at the taller one trying to grab mine
- I don't advice-I say calmly, one can sense his confusion, -the fact that I treated your fellow curly gently, with you it could be twice as bad,-I turn looking into his eyes I run over, with my gaze across his features he has a smear of nervousness on his face, another reason to be proud. Suddenly he walks up is taller by more than a head looks down at me.
- You are so small, I wonder her you will manage, I hope that when you are drowning you will also be as chiseled as you are now - he snorts at me I look at him tilting my head to the side smiling sweetly. You knew he was pissed and now he is even more so. Suddenly your smile disappears and your face becomes serious.
- They are escaping death just two weeks ago, this will not be a problem for me," you say looking away, you are overwhelmed by his gaze, burns a hole suddenly there is a girl who walks up to him and punches him
-Stop rotxo, aonung
When they finally stopped, you breathed a sigh of relief, whoever this girl was, she is a savior sent by ewya. You go back to leaning on Neteyam's shoulder
-Hey.- Loak says to the girl, you turned your head the other way and saw the girl giggling and blushing. Neteyam looked at you confused, and you sent him an ambiguous look.
Cheif tonowari approached you, and his wife slowly followed him. Jake and neytiri made a hand gesture of , "I see you," which we all did later.
- Why did you come, Jake Sully? -Tonowari asked with confusion in his voice.
-We are looking for uktur- . Suddenly the crowd gasps, and his wife ronal says ,
-Ukturu?!-with disbelief.
-Yes, shelter for my family- says your father
Tonowari says again-we are reef people, you are forest people, your skills mean nothing here-when you notice that Ronal is no longer next to him.
-We will learn your habits, won't we?-He asks your mother answers-yes-You look around and notice how ronal is watching your family.
-They are not even real na'vi !-she shouts watching kiri's hand
- Yes, we are,- says kiri, jerking his hand back, staring at Ronal. you send Kiri a smile, but then ronal walks up to Lo'aka again, doing the same, showing his extra finger.
-They have demon blood!-He shouts louder because of which, Lo'ak hangs his head low.You were pissed,  you were pissed looking at woman with audacity. As she laughs, your gaze meets hers. You look deeply into her eyes, you know she wanted to grab your hand but, your father interrupts, trying to calm the crowd. -Look! Look! Look, I was born as a person from heaven, now I'm na'vi all right. Look, you can adjust. We can adjust. Good! - says calmly, your mother stared daggers into Ronal's eyes
-My husband is Toruk Makto. - He says approaching ronal -He led the clans to victory over the people of heaven -You look at your father and then at Tonowari, seeing the reaction to them hissing at each other women.
-Sorry for my partner, she has come a long way and- says
-don't apologize for me,- she replies, "one doesn't apologize for the truth,- I say to Neteyam now no one has heard it
-and she is exhausted- finishes the sentence
-Jake-he says sternly
The chief states -All na'vi people know his great war stories, but we, metkayina, are not at war-. He makes a good point. You get Tux's attention, signaling her to use her savvy and use the power of compassion as a last resort, since nothing was going in our favor. Tuk approaches her father, catching his attention, and he picks her up. Tuk looks at you with a smile, and you wink at her and nod to show "good job young one." out of the corner of your eye you see aonung looking at you so you turn to him, but he quickly looks away
-We can't let you bring war here- He says as the rest of the people gathered around him nod in agreement
-I don't want a war,- he says, -I just want to keep my family safe- he says
Ronal nods slightly in agreement, which is usually a good sign. The chief turns to look at his men.
-Toruk makto his family will stay here,- he pauses while the crowd silently mumbles to each other -They don't know the sea, so they will be like children taking their first breath there, teach them our ways so they won't suffer the shame of being useless,- the chief says
-Okay... What do we say? - he asks
Everyone mutters "thank you" under their breath at various times, and Tuk, who said the most sincere-thank-you of us all. She is too sweet.
-Ni what is said,-says your mother noticing the lack of thank you. Tuk runs towards you with a smile saying -it doesn't matter that you forgot, you have to say thank you -the sweetness in her voice kills me literally, I pick her up and say -thank you- rolling my eyes
- it's not nice to roll your eyes - says Tuk
- oh be quiet already parrot - I say giggling
-My son aonung my daughter tsireya show your children what to do - he says, pointing to the girl and the guy I was arguing with a while ago. The boy tried to protest, but before he knew it, the decision was final.

Extremely annoying.  [Avatar-The way of water]                                  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora