1- Yuta Okkotsu

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K: I'm telling you Satoru, this has to be against some kind of labour law somewhere. I'm not even a high school student yet. The only reason I'm at Jujutsu High School in the first place is because I live there.
S: And because your ass got expelled from your middle school for nearly cursing a group of delinquents. You're talking to me like that's my fault. You were the one who ran away from the clan.
K: You didn't have to come after me.
S: Yes, I did. I can't have you wandering around all on your own. Look, I'm sorry about you having to do this but none of the other students apart from Toge are at a high enough grade to go out on missions and Toge was already dispatched to another area.
K: I'm missing archery try outs, I hope you know this.
S: Do you ever stop complaining?
K: No. I'm here now anyways. I'll see what's going on and I'll bring the kid in.
S: Remember he's older than you so you've got to respect him.
K: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Kuina knocks on the door to the classroom as the door opens to reveal a teacher standing there.

"Can I help you?" the teacher asks as he looks Kuina up and down.

"My name is Kuina Gojo from Tokyo Jujutsu High School. You rang our school asking for someone to come down and take a look" Kuina says as she looks at the man.

"You're a little young, aren't you?" the man says as he cocks a brow.

"Look. I know you know exactly what's happened here because of your family so you want to keep this on the down low from the rest of the school" Kuina says as she folds her arms, "we never get direct phone calls to the school unless it's someone who knows about is. Which shows me that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Now let me guess. Since it's late at night, you want me and my clean up crew to get this done before the morning so nothing gets out. If you want that to happen, you'll stop judging my age and get the hell out of my way, you got that?".

"Do they not teach you manners at your school?" the teacher asks as Kuina barges in.

"They do, I just don't listen" Kuina says as she spots a student sitting in the corner, leant against the wall, knees tucked into his chest.

Kuina walks over to him and crouches down in front of him.

"That's him, the boy who did it. He's cursed, I'm telling you" the teacher says as Kuina throws her arm out and hits the teacher with a wave of cursed energy which knocks him out.

"So you did something you didn't mean to, huh?" Kuina says as the boy looks up at her.

"I told them not to. I said to them that if they tried to hurt me, Rika would hurt them. They didn't believe me" the boy says as tears fall from his eyes, "are they dead?".

"Depends on how mangled up they are. What's your name?" Kuina asks as she looks at the cupboard where the body's were reported to be.

"Yuta Okkotsu" the boy says nervously.

"My name's Kuina Gojo. Say Yuta, can I meet this Rika person you told the teacher about?" Kuina asks as Yuta looks at her shocked.

"No. No you can't. She's hurt so many people and I can't control her!" Yuta says as he starts to panic.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Rika can't hurt me as badly as those other boys" Kuina says as she takes out a knife and she slits her palm.

"What are you doing?" Yuta asks worriedly.

"Just watch" Kuina says as Yuta looks down at her palm and sees the cut hear itself, "see, she can't hurt me".

"She won't come out when I'm not in danger!" Yuta says as Kuina grabs his hand.

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