The Start of Something Interesting

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TW // none

{ Wade's POV }

Wade sat in silence, sipping his coffee, while he listened to his friends excited rambling.
"Ok ok ok, me and Gar talked it through last night, what if we made a band?? I can learn guitar, Gar can learn drums-" Patrck said before getting cut off by Gar. "There's only one problem though, we don't really know anyone who sings?" Gar added, looking at Wade. Wade chuckled a bit. "If you're asking me to sing, then hard pass on that." He said to the two. "Well we're not necessarily asking you to sing, just... maybe be a part of the band somehow?" Patrck said.
Wade thought for a moment. "Well... I cant really play any instruments..." He paused. "What if i'm like, your manager?" Wade asked, raising his eyebrows. The two seemed to have slightly disappointed looks on their faces. "Yeah, I mean, sure!" Gar said. "Kinda lame though" Patrck added, earning a glare from Wade.
"Well Mr. manager, do you think you could find us someone who can sing?" Gar asked.
"I mean... maybe? If you guys are actually serious about this whole band thing" Wade responded, taking a sip of his coffee. "We're super serious! Tomorrow we're gonna meet up at my house and practice our instruments!" Patrck said enthusiastically. "You... have instruments already?" Wade asked. "Yep! I found them in my attic!" Gar said, matching Patrck's excitement.
"You found drums in your attic..??" Wade asked, earning a simple nod from Gar. Wade sighed.
"Alright, I guess if you guys are really doing this, I'll try to find someone" Wade said, Patrck and Gar's eyes lighting up.

Pat and Gar had left Wade's house already, so Wade decided to take Ginger and Presley to the dog park. The two small dogs stayed pretty close to him as they walked inside the fences and Wade sat on a bench, there being two or three large dogs that Wade could see in the park.
Eventually the two got the courage to run a bit farther away from him, rolling around in the grass. Wade chuckled a bit at his dogs being cute, but then jumped with brief fear as a large white dog came up to him and start sniffing him.
"Oh Hello!" Wade said to the dog, lightly petting it on the head. Wade then heard a person whistle. "Oli! Oliver!" The dog then went running to the voice. Wade looked up and saw a tall brown-haired male who was probably younger than him petting the dog and smiling at it.
"Sorry!" The person looked up and said to Wade before running off with the dog and throwing a ball for it to fetch. Wade, for some reason he didn't understand, started feeling butterflies in his stomach. Not wanting to dwell on it, he shook it off and looked back to his dogs which were now playing with another dog closer to their size.
After Ginger and Presley seemed tired out, Wade called them over and attached the leashes onto their collars again. He started walking towards the exit and almost bumped into someone, his dogs suddenly pulling the leash.
"Oh, sorry again!" Wade looked up from his dogs to see the same guy who had the white dog, which was now standing behind him also on a leash. "Don't worry, you didn't do anything" Wade said, and opened the gate for him.
"Oh- uh, thank you!" The person said and smiled before walking out the gate, Wade also doing the same but walking the opposite direction.
As he led his dogs down the sidewalk, he couldn't help but notice his heart pounding heavily and his face felt very warm. What is happening to me? I've never felt like this towards a stranger. Wade almost felt mad at himself about his confusing feelings, and kept thinking about the guy the entire way back home.

Wade was woken up by his phone on the nightstand going off, and groaned turning the other direction. The phone vibrated again and he sighed, turning back around and picking up the phone. Patrck had texted him about 5 different times reminding him about him and Gar's new "band"'s practice today. Wade looked at the time and noticed it was already somehow 1:00 PM, Gar was probably at Patrck's house.
Wade sent a quick response of "I'll be there" and started getting ready to go to Pat's house.

What If We Made a Band? {lordjp & par}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora