its ok to be nonbinary

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Humanized without human names

One-sided ships:
Chainsaw x Treasurechest

Maybe Malachest

Nonbinary treasurechest

He/him for malachite
They/them for treasurechest

"" = talking
'' = thinking
() = author
[] = what the characters/place there at is doing
'' inside "" or "" inside '' = repeated things


(Treasurechest's pov)

'I jumped down the elimination hole, if I'm being honest I don't care if people still hate me down here. I'm already used to it-' "treasurechest!" 'Was that malachite??'

"Treasurechest you good man? I was worried" '"man"... I never liked being called boy or girl Pronouns..' "I'm fine-"
"Don't play that card." [Treasurechest looks at malachite] "wha-" "please tell me what's wrong treasurechest" [treasurechest gets up] "come sit with me malachite.." [treasurechest says as he (they)  walk over to a rock he (they) and malachite can both sit on] [treasurechest takes a seat and malachite sits next to to him (them)] "I'm here to listen TC" '"TC"..? Did he just call me TC..??' [Treasurechest flushes a little but quickly shakes it off]

(After treasurechest talked about the stuff that happened obviously leaving the REALLY bad stuff out plus the crush he used to have on Chainsaw and Journal)

"Hey bud its ok-" [sniff] "are you crying? Not that it's not ok to cry its just-" [sniff sniff] "Oh ok your crying uh.." [malachite hugs treasurechest and rubs his back] "it's ok treasurechest I'm here for you... as long as I'm here no one can hurt you.." [treasurechest starts crying hot tears into malachites shoulder] 'I dont know why I'm crying but.. I feel safe.. for the first time ever I feel safe to come out to someone' [after a while treasurechest stoped crying] [malachite and treasurechest stop huging] "you good now TC?" [treasurechest nods] "malachite I have something to tell you.." "what is it treasurechest?" "Promise you'll try to respect it" "it depends on what it is." [TC takes a deep breath] "I'm... I'm nonbinary.." [TC looks at malachite as malachite is possessing] "thats... that's great TC!" "Wait you accept me?" "Of course! Wait what are your Pronouns??"

"My Pronouns are They/them."

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