Chapter 2 - Thrown Through a Loop

Start from the beginning

"Oh, boy, I should say that to you! You went through your scenes with ease. I could tell you've done this a few times."

I laughed. "Yeah, just a few." Lila was still in the same stance, but she went down on all fours, but then hopped up on the bench and climbed into my lap. She wasn't a big dog, about medium-sized, so half of her was in my lap. "Aw, would you look at that, huh?"

"She really likes you. Careful, once she's attached to someone, there's no turning back."

"Hey, I don't mind. She seems like a good girl. How old is she?"

"She's three years old. I've had her since she was born. I actually delivered the litter she was in, and her mother's owner asked me if I wanted a puppy, and, well... I couldn't say no. I think I fell in love with her at first sight."

"I see." I petted Lila's furry head over her shiny brown coat. "So, you're Billy's niece, huh?"

She grinned that smile that took up half her face, and she folded Lila's purple leash in her hands. "Yeah, he's the one that got me in. Mr. Rich was looking for more... well, unique people... and Uncle Billy mentioned his little niece who's from this area and who runs a little hole-in-the-wall vet clinic in downtown LA. The moment I met Rich when he stopped by my clinic, he..." She giggled, and what a cute little sound it was. "Well, when he first saw me, he exclaimed, 'You're perfect!' I had no idea what he was talking about until he said who he was. I was a bit taken aback since no one told me that Uncle Billy was going to be in a film right now and that the film would be filmed in the area. I especially had no idea that it was an Elvis Presley film."

My head whirled with her story. "Wow, that's really somethin'. Usually, the directors send out the producers or castin' directors to scout the extras. Rich went to you himself. That's sayin' somethin'. And you own a vet clinic in LA, huh?"

"I do. Given, it's a tiny clinic, but it's something. I've always loved animals and wanted to become a vet and run my own clinic. Wish granted."

"Well, good for you. And runnin' your own clinic at... how old are ya? Twenty-four?"

"M-hm. It's still mind-boggling."

"I'll tell you what's mind-boggling... the fact that you're a twenty-four-year-old vet. Do people get surprised when they see ya at your vet office?"

"Oh, all the time. They mostly think I'm a child helping out my parent who is the vet doctor. I think my clinic has obtained more customers because of it. The vet who's the size of a child but isn't one."

A question itched at my mind, and I petted Lila still, and she was very much enjoying it. Her eyes were closed. I smirked. She was snoozing.

"I think you made a friend," Shannon remarked as she gazed down at her animal.

"I think so." My gaze went to her. That question pushed at my lips. "So... you and Billy have the same thing goin' on? I mean..."

She nodded, knowing what I was asking. "Yes, similar. You see, there's a part of your brain called the pituitary gland that controls your growing, among other things. The doctors say mine wasn't fully developed, so that's why I stopped growing at the age of eight. I mean, the rest of me changed, just not my height. Uncle Billy's the same way. He and I are the only people in my family who are short."

"The rest of your family is..."

"Normal sized? Yeah. I have my parents and a couple of sisters, one older, one younger. Everyone thinks I'm the youngest for obvious reasons. The 'short gene' as my family calls it comes from my mom's side."

"So, Billy's your momma's brother."

"Yes, her younger brother. In her family, too, he's the only one with the underdeveloped pituitary gland."

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