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It was Christmas day at Small Heath, Birmingham, in the old Shelby house next to the betting shop, Charles and William were asleep in Tommy and Astella's old bed, Astella was in the tub with her head tilted back as Tommy walked over to the window and looked at the old cobbled street they grew up on.

At John's house, Natasha ran out of the house, grabbed her gun and shot at the retreating Italians as Esme ran over to John crying over his lifeless body. Natasha rushed over to her husband and saw him still breathing, she rushed over to Michael, he was breathing but in a dire state.

 Natasha rushed over to her husband and saw him still breathing, she rushed over to Michael, he was breathing but in a dire state

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Later, Michael and Edward were rushed into the hospital's theatre, whereas John was killed outside his home. Natasha followed her husband and cousin through the hospital with Polly until they pushed through into a room with Michael and Edward on a stretcher each, "Please, can we get some help here? Please!" Polly screamed, "It's alright, Michael. You're going to be okay," Polly said.

"I'm right here, baby," Natasha held her husband's hand, "I'm right here," She said.

"Don't leave us now, just keep breathing, keep breathing," Polly said.

Tommy, Astella, Daniel and Angela walked in with two Peaky Blinders, "Eddie," Astella hurried over to Edward and he looked at her, grabbing her hand, "I'm so sorry," She whispered.

"Shh," Edward said and coughed.

Polly looked up and saw the Blinders that Tommy had picked, young looking, "No, no, I don't want fucking kids in here, I want soldiers," Tommy raised his hand to speak and Polly walked over to Tommy, "I don't want fucking kids who joined just for the sport!" Polly said.

"Okay, okay," Astella grabbed Polly by her shoulders, "Okay, Pol," She looked at Tommy, "Get them out," She said.

Tommy nodded and turned around leading the two Blinders out, "Go on, go," He said.

"I want men who've served in here!" Polly said.

"How about some Jurossi's?" Polly looked at Astella, "Yeah? All the Jurossi's served... Eventually, I know... But they're all men, not kids," Astella suggested and Polly looked at her before rushing back over to Michael and squeezing between a nurse and doctor.

"Please Mrs Gray," The nurse said.

Polly was sobbing, "Don't go, don't go..." She begged.

Tommy walked over to his aunt, "Pol. Pol," He took hold of his aunt.

"He's in good hands," The doctor said.

"Polly? Pol? Pol?" Tommy said as he tried pulling his aunt to him.

"Aunt Tasha..." Daniel said and Natasha looked up at him and walked over reluctantly.

Tommy finally pulled Polly to him and she turned to him and Astella, "Go fuck up those bastards responsible!" She said.

Consequences of a Shelby [T. Shelby || Peaky Blinders || Shelby's Girl Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now