Ting Quan nodded. " Let's call Professor Chu Yan." He asked another facilitator to call Professor Chu Yan. Gladly this university was also a medical university. They would not lack any doctor.

Professor Chu Yan came. He inquired what had happened. Ting Quan and Sheng Mei told him what had happened. After hearing it, Professor Chu Yan inspected Yu Qi's body.

"Bring this student to our medical facilities. I will look at her there." Professor Chu Yan asked. "You can continue your job. I will inform you later about this student."

So, Yu Qi was brought to another place. Professor Chu Yan tried to find the cause that made this student coughed the blood and lost consciousness. He made Yu Qi undergo some test. It turned out it was okay. He scanned Yu Qi's body but disappointed to find anything unusual.

Professor Chu Yan called his colleagues to help him found this cause. All of them did not succeed in finding the cause. Yu Qi still lost her consciousness. Professor Chu Yan and other doctors tried to make Yu Qi woke up but still fail.

C102 - 102: Princess Of Tang Family

Professor Chu Yan and other doctors took other tests and still found nothing that caused Yu Qi's situation. Professor Chu Yan sighed. This must be informed to Yu Qi's relative. They could not hide the situation. It will be more troublesome if things became more and more serious.

Professor Chu Yan made a call to Grandpa Tang. He did not know that Yu Qi was the granddaughter of the man known as God of Medicine. He told the truth about Yu Qi. Grandpa Tang was shocked hearing the granddaughter coughed some blood and went into a coma. He threw his work aside and made a trip to the Tang House at FINN City.

Arriving there, he called all the family members including Tang Qin Hao and told the situation to his family. Others became worried when hearing Yu Qi's condition especially Ming Yue and Su Xiao. They made a trip to Starlight University.

Professor Chu Yan the one who received the Tang Family was shocked to see the legend here. He recognized the old man that lead the others. He was that Tang Jiang Man. He also recognized Tang Jung Wen as the current head of the Tang Hospital, Tang Jang Qin, Tang Han Lee, Tang Jin Wei, and even Tang Qin Hao was here.

'What is this? Why all of them were here?' He thought he called Yu Qi's family to discuss the condition of Yu Qi. Then he tried to recall Yu Qi's name. TANG YU QI. Is she is the princess of the Tang Family? He became nervous.

"Where is my granddaughter?" Grandpa Tang asked with force.

"This way." Professor Chu Yan leads the way to where Yu Qi was placed. That girl really the princess of the Tang Family.

They arrived the Yu Qi's room. Ming Yue and Su Xiao quickly entered the room and ran to Yu Qi's side. They saw Yu Qi seemed to sleep deeply. Grandpa Tang took Yu Qi's hand and tried to read her pulse. He took five minutes then he put away Yu Qi's hand.

"Father, how is she?" Tang Jung Wen asked his father.

"Her pulse is normal. Like she is just sleeping." Grandpa Tang answered.

"Did you do the Electroencephalography (EEG) [1] test? Let me see it." Tang Qin Hao asked Professor Chu Yan seriously.

"Yes, this way." Professor Chu Yan knew this young man's achievement. He was the best neurologist. He was a genius in his path.

Others also followed Professor Chu Yan. Only Ming Yue and Su Xiao were left at Yu Qi's side. They wanted to accompany their niece. It was not long after they received love from their niece. They did not want Yu Qi to leave them already.

In the other room, Professor Chu Yan asked another doctor to show the result of the Electroencephalography (EEG) test on the computer. Tang Qin Hao took a seat in front of the computer. He slowly analyzed the data pattern on the computer.

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