




I groaned due to headache and pat beside me to find Yn to cuddle but found no one, I opened my eyes and scanned the room, might be she's downstairs. I head to bathroom for morning routine and head downstairs, I saw mom arranging dishes, I smiled and greeted her,"Good morning mom"she smiled and greeted me back,"Morning son and happy anniversary" my eyes widened as I realised that today is our first wedding anniversary, I smiled and spoke,"Thank you mom, but where is Yn?"she frowned and spoke,"I thought she's in your room"I frowned and immediately called her, but her phone is switched off. 

I start panicking, I asked guards they tell she left somewhere Three in the morning. I immediately rushed to my rooms and spotted some papers on the nightstand, I frowned and pickup the envelop and opened it.

 Land beneath my legs silted away, my legs become weak as I saw Divorce Paper with Yn sign on it, I hurriedly ruffles the paper and a letter drop down on the floor. I sat down on the floor and pick up the letter, I opened it and read it;

'Happy Anniversary Kook, I know it's not the perfect way to wish you but I'm so sorry. You might get mad at me for this and will never forgive me ever but I need to leave you for the sake of your safety. I know you are the Mafia King and no one can even touch you, but trust me babe it's different situation. I want to save you and every other person who cares for me that's why I took this step. I'll not say much about the condition but I'm really sorry for all this Kook. See I again become a failure, I failed us, I know I'm stubborn not to talk to you about anything, you can blame me or curse me trust me I won't mind, in fact I deserve all your hate. I'm going so far away from you and will not come back ever, please just forget me Love...Just think of me as beautiful dream. I'm taking my wedding ring with myself, sorry for that but you can start a new life by signing Divorce Papers. You deserve someone better Kook, who can protect you and stays with you forever. Please for me find someone else much better than me and move on from me. At the last all I want to say that I loved you, I love you and I will always love you....please take care of yourself, thank you for all the thing you did for me and don't waste your time to find me Love, Goodbye Jungkook'

Tears start flowing like river from my eyes, I screamed till my throat ripped. Mom rushed into the room and read that letter, she tried her best to comfort  me but tears don't stop. Why Yn you have to this, we can talk about it, we may find a way but you took this step, you should trust your Kook Love, at least once you should try....I cried and cried till I pass out on the floor...



































































































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