Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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You sat down at your desk in an office chair and your gaze fixated on the curious machine in the corner, usually it was in a lab room made of thick glass but it had been dragged here for the modifications. For some reason it was left plugged in, not your problem and not your bill to pay. You stood up and walked towards it, you examined it closely and you could see the changes that the blueprint had shown. You sighed and casually leaned on it, it never reacted to anything anyways. Your mind went to your soul bond and why it even existed, you remember a very crushing memory... if only you were good at forgetting things you didn't want to remember.

You had accidentally caught Alphys and Sans talking, you had tried to focus on anything else but when Alphys brought up the soul bond thing, your interest piqued. "So are you and Y/N getting along?" Alphys had asked and you could feel Sans glance your way but like usual you didn't react. "You want me to answer that when they're standing right there?" Sans spoke in a quiet voice but you still managed to catch it. Alphys chuckled and looked towards you too while your eyes were seemingly on something you were working on. "Oh they can't hear anything, they're usually so absorbed in their work they forget this world even exists sometimes" You knew she was joking but she could have said that a little more eloquently. "I THINK THAT H-HUMAN OVER THERE S-SMELLS AWFUL" Alphys suddenly shouted but you didn't react at all, you were good at playing pretend.

"Huh, guess you're right well I haven't really talked to them too much" You could feel his stare on you but he quickly averted his gaze back to Alphys. "I don't really like them that much, if you're trying to elude to my soul connection with them, I rather not acknowledge it exists, especially with a human, won't work out with no magic and all" Well at least he wasn't sugar coating it, guess he preferred monster partners but it did sting a bit to be so wholeheartedly rejected. The rest of the conversation became a blur as you dedicated your entire focus on your work.

You leaned more into the machine "Rather not acknowledge it huh?" You mumbled, what a cowardly thing to say but weren't you also a coward pretending it didn't exist or affect you? Ugh you wish you could just rip the damn thing out of your soul and be done with this painful thing all together so you didn't have to pretend anymore. You focused and saw that loathsome blue string going up to your soul, you reached towards it not expecting to be able to touch it physically but instead of it going through your hand it stayed solid. How odd... you gave it a gentle pull and you felt that in your soul, that wouldn't affect Sans right? Even if it did, what would it matter? He wanted it gone, you wanted it gone so... You yanked the string as hard as you could, your soul felt immense pain but you kept pulling at it until you heard something snap and the pain went to a dull ache. You hadn't expected that to work.

You looked at the now detached soul string and you felt free? Unburdened? You could now just... do your job without having to think about it ever again and maybe Sans would stop avoiding you but you wouldn't mind if he continued to do that, you could move onto better things like somebody actually wanting to be with you. You dropped the string carelessly and saw it vanish from your sight... It was time to go home to your quaint apartment but before you could push yourself off the machine, it started to make weird clunking sounds. Uh oh that wasn't normal! You're certain that you did not accidentally press anything!

You could hear the fans pick up speed and you carefully stepped away from it, you saw something weird forming inside the machine. It looked like a black hole but it wasn't sucking anything towards it... You spoke too soon as you felt a harsh pull in your soul, the fuck? You need to get away ASAP! The lights in the room started to flicker as the black void started to grow bigger and pulled your soul harder, oh stars you hoped you were just dreaming! You ran towards the exit but the pull on your soul slowed you down and eventually it got too strong, your body got pulled with it. The pull got so strong it yanked you towards the black void painfully adding more dull aching to your soul, it dragged you closer and closer and you feared it would devour you whole. What in the world was happening!? Why did it have to turn on when only you were in the room!?

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