"It's on. Yes."

I waved goodbye to Maddy and pushed back the doors to my now official job. I was greeted by Marsh taking my bags and opening the back door. I was also greeted by my usual single rose and brought it up to my nose. It smelled different today for some reason. I got a weird, sinking feeling in my stomach as the car pulled away from the curb but I pushed it back remembering what had just happened.

"Change of plans, Ms. Emerson. I will be taking you right to Red Bank. Boss's orders."

I met his eyes in the rearview mirror and nodded. I was actually relieved because the train would be hot this time of year and I preferred the quiet, air conditioned SUV. After a quick stop at home for my things, we were off. I was nervously checking my phone for a sign that Harry was calling or texting but didn't get anything. I called Charlie and Laurie and told them the good news. They were both incredibly supportive and happy for me. I decided to wait to tell my parents until I saw them in person.

The trip was quick and painless and I felt at ease when I saw my parents' home come into view. I never got tired of coming back here. The SUV stopped in front of my home and Marsh got out, grabbed my things and my door as usual. I heard the front door swing open and my mom and the dogs come rushing out.

"There she is!"

I waved to her as Marsh and I walked up to her. My mom looked Marsh up and down and then back at the SUV.

"Mom, this is Marsh. He is my...driver slash bodyguard thingy."

"Mrs. Emerson. Pleasure to meet you," said Marsh as he shook my mother's hand. "Ms. Emerson, please keep me updated on your time of departure on Sunday. I will be staying close. Please call if you need anything."

I nodded and smiled. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get used to this. I looked back at my mother and her jaw was on the ground as we watched the black SUV drive away.

"All Harry's doing. Not mine," I said to her as we walked inside. It smelled like garlic and homemade bread. My mouth was instantly watering.

"Well, I have to say, you are one lucky girl. Never having to worry about public transportation again. Are you hungry? I love your outfit too. Those rompers are so chic."

"Starving actually and thanks. Harry actually got it for me, well his stylists did," I said as I looked down at my one piece outfit.

"Harry is quite the gift giver, isn't he? Speaking of gifts, let me see this ring everyone is losing their mind over," she said, reaching for my left hand and examining the ring. "It is gorgeous. Wow. Can't wait to see the actual engagement ring one day." She let go of my hand and hugged me. "We really are truly happy for you, sweetie."

"Thank you, mom. Me too." I felt that weird, uneasy tug in my stomach again but figured it was because I hadn't eaten much today.

I watched as my mom finished up dinner and we talked about her book club and how the rest of the family was doing. I was bursting with excitement to tell her about M&G but I waited for my dad. Finally, after what felt like ages, I heard the garage door open. I raced to meet my dad in the garage and was nearly plowed over by his black BMW.

"Woah there sweetie!"

I ran to his door and anxiously waited for him to get out. I threw my arms around him and grabbed his bag. We walked inside as I was bursting at the seams to tell them the news. I ushered them both to sit at the kitchen table.

"Ok. Mom. Dad. I have wonderful news."

They both looked at each other and then looked me up and down.

"I'm not pregnant."

They each let out a sigh of relief and I wanted to laugh. I shook my head and opened my mouth.

"Marc and George offered me a full time paid job on the editorial staff today!"

"Oh, that is so wonderful, honey!" "We are so proud of you!"

They each jumped up and pulled me into a huge hug. I felt like I was talking a mile a minute as I filled them in on all the details of the job. We then ate dinner together while I caught them up on my whirlwind of the past months with Harry leaving out the intimate details.

"So, this ring? It's a promise to get engaged and married one day?" my dad asked over his plate of lasagna.

"Pretty much, yes. My career is my number one priority and Harry understands that. I also know his career is his number one priority too. But we both know we are each other's future and I think we've known that since this whole thing started. I know it's fast to make these kind of commitments but I guess when you know...you know."

"Look, sweetie. You don't need to convince us of your decisions. We like Harry and we think you two are good for each other. We just wanted to make sure you weren't loosing focus of your career but we know that you aren't now, especially with the offer today. So, when can we see our future son-in-law again?" My mom asked, while my dad nodded along with her.

"It'll be a bit still. He is over in Europe for the next couple months for tour and he is visiting with his family. I actually get to go to Ireland next month with Marc for an interview with Harry, so I will get to see him then."

"Ireland? That is great!" My dad added.

I nodded as I put a forkful of lasagna in my mouth. After dinner, I helped with the dishes and went up to my bedroom to unpack the few things I brought. My room welcomed me back and I was instantly drawn to my bed. I didn't realize how tired I was with all the adrenaline from the day finally wearing off. I turned when I heard a knock.

"Hey, mom."

"Hey, sweetie. It's so nice when you're home. Need anything?"

"Sleep. This week was so exhausting."

"Ok. Get some sleep, we will do brunch tomorrow so you can sleep in a little. Night. Love you, honey."

"Love you. I'm glad to be home too. Tell dad good night for me, please."

She nodded and closed the door behind her. I quickly changed, switched off my light and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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