"Can do," Schlatt nods, grabbing the records and heading out to slot them in the right places. "Hi, Fundy," he says loudly as the shop bell jingles, and Wilbur shoots out from the back room.

"Yo! Fundy," he grins, opening his arms, and Fundy matches his grin and gives him an enthusiastic hug. "What's up?" he asks.

"I'm good, I'm good!" Fundy exclaims, clapping his hands. "Home for Christmas – and guess what? Guess what?"

"What?" Wilbur asks.

"I got a fucking promotion, man! They're hiring me for good!"

"Awesome!" Wilbur laughs. "Congrats! Pay raise?"

"Oh, hell yeah," Fundy grins. "How've you and Schlatt been?"

"Alright," Wilbur laughs, and Schlatt gives a slightly awkward smile.

"Nnnnnot good?" Fundy trills nervously, glancing between them.

Schlatt sighs, patting Fundy on the back. "My parents are back, amongst other things. Been a bit rough. But it's good now."

"Oh," Fundy says, eyes wide. "Oh, god, I feel so bad for gushing now!" His voice has risen into a high pitch, as it usually does when he gets stressed or excited, and Wilbur chuckles.

"S'alright, man. We're happy for you."

Fundy immediately brightens in that sudden way of his, blinking happily. "Well," he says softly. "I sure hope things get better!"

"They will," Schlatt smiles. "Now come help us sort the records before Marge comes and kills us, jesus. C'mon."

"D'you work here, Schlatt?"

"Nah. Wil does, though. I work at the café. How'd you find us here, anyway?"

"Oh," Fundy says, sitting down cross-legged next to Wilbur and pawing through the vynils, picking out all the Queen records. "I was right at the other end of the street in the queue for a hot dog and I saw you come in."

"No, no," Wilbur interjects, handing Schlatt a stack of records to take through. "What he means is, he used his sharp fox senses to sniff us out."

"I'm not a furry!" Fundy wails dramatically, hands in the air. "I'm not!"

"Sure," Schlatt snorts. "Don't think I've forgotten the time you invited us to yours and you had -"

"No!" Fundy wails, swatting at Schlatt, who just laughs at his misery.

"Oh, yeah," Wilbur grins, remembering. "The cat ears."

"No," Fundy whimpers, faintly this time. "I... No! Those – those weren't mine!"

"Yeah, yeah, you were just trying them on," Wilbur snorts, and chuckles as Fundy pouts despondently. "It was funny, man."

"Was not," Fundy grumbles, picking up his pile of vynils and heading out. "Yoooo, Dream!" he says suddenly, awkwardly. "Haha, hi! I didn't mean to ditch you there man, I just saw -"

"It's fine," Dream's voice says impatiently. "I met George anyway, we just split now. Is Schlatt – oh there."

Wilbur decided to join them, heading out, and waves at Dream.

"Oh, hi, Wil," Dream grins. "Hi, Schlatt," he adds as Schlatt weaves his way around a tall CD stack. "So, um, Schlatt, I know it's like, half an hour -"

"You want me to go in half an hour early to cover for you."

"Mmmmmhm," Dream nods with a hopeful grin.

"Fine. Wil, see ya round. See ya, Fundy." He waves, though the only person he looks at is Wilbur, and leaves the shop with Dream trailing after him muttering thank yous.

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