Sweet strawberries.

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Yet another quiet and peaceful and sweet silence. it was currently the weekend, sometime in the afternoon the best exact, yet Kagiura couldn't help but ponder as his thoughts ran a minute per hour yet he couldn't seem to make sense of anything.

It was just a simple question, only seven words to be exact if he wanted to make it short and simple. Yet he couldn't help the uneasiness in his stomach, the first time was a total nerve wracking experience, yet he couldn't help but want more.
and he was a total mess afterwards, he couldn't even look up from the floorboards. He swore he hadn't slept right for a week after that one.

He didn't know how to bring it up again, let alone ask. It was one of those times where sometimes it's better to let it go, but he just couldn't he was obsessed with getting Hirano to play with him, once more if only to have a proper game. (Just once was enough.)
And he so badly just wanted to be so much closer to him. to feel his warm breath on his skin
he could just imagine the Blonde's lips, as he felt his heart do a small flip. as the heat rushed to his cheeks.
Thinking about being so close, where there knees presses together, their lips inches apart from each other, he felt like a lovesick high school girl.

Gosh, how could he have such thoughts about his own roommate, Hirano. This wasn't good for his health...
Kagiura couldn't help but pull his knees up to his chest as he continued to sulk, man, love just wasn't fair... And Hirano had to go and make him fall for him, he should take responsibility!
it just wasn't fair.

And yet, the problem was still yet to be solved, as nerve wracking, and terrifying the idea of trying to ask Hirano to try again with him, made him seek nervous. Maybe Hirano would brush it off as a joke, or maybe even call him weird and to let it go, that it was just a one time thing....
But he couldn't help but think back, the smile on Hirano's face than, it made his heart skip a beat as he groaned, as he quickly slammed a pillow over his head.
'Geez, What am I gonna do?... '

He couldn't help but think, as he suddenly perked up, as he heard the sound of dorm room opening as he blinked. Ah right... Hirano must be back, by now, he couldn't help but smile happily, as he quickly got up off of his bed to greet him, despite the uneasy and  slight pit of anxiety
building in the bottom of his stomach.
he has to remind him,
the worst thing that could happen is that he chickened out and lose more sleep over something so silly.

"Hirano-san! You're back." Kagiura couldn't help but exclaim as he smiled softly at him, almost like a dog coming to greet its owner after hours of being away from them.
"Ah, Kagi-kun. You're back as well?" He asked as he sighed, as he ruffled his hair, as he smiled at him, slightly looking up at him.
Kagiura couldn't help but giggle slightly at that, he always found it rather amusing how he was the taller one, if only by a little bit...

"Yep! I've been here for awhile all by myself I was really bored!... You should of returned sooner... " he said as he pouted, almost playfully as he smiled softly as Hirano let out a low groan, he enjoyed these moments with him, like this just being able to spend time with him.

He Wondered, just how long could this last?...
"... And you've actually been doing something productive, right? I mean you had all this free time.. "

Kagiura blinked, as he took a moment to realize what he had been doing before, only to panic internally because he was so worked up over trying to ask Hirano if he maybe wanted to give the pocky game a try once more. (For real this time.)
That he hadn't realized he hasn't actually done anything productive today, as he struggled to come up with a response.
Hirano was quiet as he awaited his response, only met with silence, as he ran an hand through his own hair, some of his hair falling out of place.
"Mn, no worries everyone has a lazy day or two... That's just like you."

Strawberry flavored (Hirakagi) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن