dying inside & out

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Sorry I know the tense is present and past I'm a bad writer 😩
Btw this is not re read so tell me if there are any mistakes


I walked up to my house, getting my key to unlock it. I turned it but it wouldn't turn. Then I realized, I had forgotten to lock my door. I stood in horror scared to even go inside. It was nearly seven thirty, any robber, forget that, murderer, could broken into my house, maybe even just walked right in.


I never thought of murder as an option. Why should I make others suffer because of my dark past? But right now I understood it all. I was sat in the shower of a rando's house. The house was empty, completely. But one thing I didn't expect for my first time, was for the door to be unlocked.


I shook my head quickly trying to forget me thoughts. This always happens. I'm fine. No one is in my house about to stab me. I walk in and drop my bags ready to scout the house, I grab a pillow off the couch hugging it close to my chest, knowing I'll end up scaring myself somehow.

I walk into the master bedroom, my bedroom. No one. I walk a bit faster to the guest room. No one. I practically run to the kitchen. No one. Tears drop from my eyes faster than I can comprehend and I break down in fear. No one was there, why was I so scared? I was just so frustrated for no reason.

I stand up weakly and walk to the bathroom slowly. I open the door and turn on the light and the shower curtain rustles, I sob in fear. A man, about my age walks out. No mask, no orange jump suit, no blood. Just dressed casually. He sighs and sits next to me. We make eye contact and he hugs me. It felt comforting, if he hadn't been a stranger, possible murderer. By now I was surely having what would be classified as a panic attack.


I was supposed to be like, I don't know, stabbing her by now? Why was I hugging her? Why did I take pity on her? I could easily guess she was having a panic attack. She looked about my age, and looked fairly, well if I'm being honest, really beautiful.

"I'm George..." I whispered. My mind was yelling at me to stop, but I felt so much regret. I don't know what she's going through. It seemed like she really needed this hug. Like she was enjoying the feeling of being loved, even if she had no idea who I was.
Wait, love? I just met her, I don't love her. I mean yeah she's really beautiful, and her skin is so soft, her hair is like silk, and her- I was snapped out of my thoughts by a broken sob. "Sorry, i know it's scary. I'm a stranger... in your house." Fucking hell George! Couldn't you do any better expressing your pity?! She looked up at me, slowly pulling away from my now loose grasp.

"I- I'm calling the police!" She stuttered, pulling out her phone. "Wait, please! I'm sorry, look I'm going through a lot! Give me a chance to talk please!" I begged.

This man just tried to- okay he didn't do anything, but he's in my house! That's something? Now he's begging for forgiveness? Of course I'm not listening him, I'm calling the police! But part of me felt so bad...

Lets reassess. I'm still shaking, my mind is still foggy from my panic attack, and im probably not thinking straight. I sighed in submission, sitting back down with him, but keeping my distance this time. "Why... Why the hell should i trust you?" I managed to squeak out. "I... when I was..." he paused. What is he on about? "Look i know I seem really suspicious but hear me out. You can keep me here for as long as you want, you can check my pockets, you don't even have to feed me.  You can do whatever you want with me, just please don't turn me in..." my heart beated faster as he begged and mentioned I could do anything to him.

I know it sounds cliché but in my defense, he was attractive. Like really attractive. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the floor. "Empty your pockets. Do you have a knife?" He nodded and emptied out everything, which was just his jean pockets.

He had a small knife, a wallet which seemed empty, his phone, and a metal heart shaped clip. He put everything on the counter, except the heart clip, which he held in his hand but still showed me. "What's the clip for?" I questioned. "It was my mom's..." he said, but it came out as more of a whisper.  I though about asking him to put it down, but I looked up and saw tears welt up in his eyes, so I opted not to.

I pick up the knife. "Ever... killed anyone?" I asked, fear present in my voice. "No.. I wanted to kill you, but you seem nice, I don't have the strength to." He responded. "What's your name, do you have a criminal record, why do you have a British accent, did you come to America illegally?" I asked quickly. "Oh, that's a lot um," he paused "George, no, I'm from England, no."he responded after a moment of thinking. "Can I um..." I paused embarrassed. " you can do anything you want with me, I deserve it." I pulled his shirt gently and he understood, tugging it off. I looked away for a second and held my breath. he was, to say the least, hot. I really didn't know where I was going with this. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room. " Lay down and stay here." I demanded getting clothes to change into for the night.

I went to the bathroom across the room to change closing the door and sighing. I thought while I changed, I need to call in from work for at least a week, which wouldn't be a problem considering I own a bakery. My assistant will take care of that. I also need to make food, he said I didn't need to feed him, but that's quite rough. I work at a bakery, surely I've fed at least one criminal.

I finish and walk out grabbing my phone, I look over and he's still laying down in the same place and position. "Sit up, what do you want to eat?" I sounded more like a demand than a question. "why are you asking me? I said you didn't have to feed me, if your gonna I'll eat anything." He said quietly staring down up at the ceiling because of his position. "Are you allergic to anything?" I questioned, I know he broke into my house, but I don't wanna kill him. He shook his head. I grabbed his hand and he stood up walking with me to the kitchen. I sat him at the dinner table where I could see him and I sat on the counter watching him as I called my assistant.

"Hello, y/n!" Her sweet, calming voice rang through my ears. "Hi Niki, I would like to tell you that I'm calling in from work for at least the rest of the week." I said as calm as I could. "Of course, is everything okay?" She said sounding concerned, which I expected as I almost never call in. "Yeah, I just have something I need to take care of, but everything is fine." I smiled looking over to George siting quietly at the table. "Okay, remember you can always call me if you need anything!" She exclaimed happily. "Thanks Julia, bye!" I said earning a goodbye in exchange.

I end the call and walk to the fridge taking out a batch of cookies I had baked the day before. I grabbed two placing them on the table in front of George. "For me..?" He asked. I nodded walking to start cooking a pizza. Wow this was gonna be hard. I'm stuck with a hot murderer. Wait... where is he gonna sleep?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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