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As me and NOTTI was sitting on the couch in the living room talking I got hungry so I wanted to go to the deli( I'm hungry can we go to the deli lay said to NOTTI Sure notti says so I then get up and walk to my room to put sum sweat pants on and a big hoodie and as I got fo e I went back in the living room we're notti was (yes he put his shirt back on ) you ready notti say to lay yes lay say we then walked out the house and notti made sure the door was locked before left then we made our way to the deil

--------------------------------------------------------- me and NOTTI are now at the deli and as I was walking behind notti I see a group of guys looking me up and down there were about 4 guys but I just kept walking I was now looking on the candy section and got sum sour patch kids and I got me a Arizona tea I was put my stuff on the counter as I was waiting on notti to get done one of the dudes that was in the group came up to me and started rubbing on me WTF I say to the dude don't touch me I told the guy but he din listen to me so I slapped him hard as I can do he can move he then stopped and looked at me with the most evil look ever and he then raised his hand at me just as he was about to hit me notti came and punched the guy in the face and the the guy then fell DONT EVER LET ME SEE U AROUND HERE AGAIN OR I WILL KILL YOU NIGGA ‼️ Nott say to the guy I was shocked because I never seen this side of him before he then sat the money for our snacks on the counter and grabbed me and the snacks and left the deli.

Me and NOTTI are now back at home and he was still a lil mad at that dude but ngl he was low-key attractive when he get mad( we made our way back to my room and Nott sat all the snacks on my bed and then took his shirt off again and I was blushing even harder then before I then took off my hoodie but I was feeling bold so after I took of my hoodie I took off my pants and notti looked at me crazy then that's when I took his shirt and put it on them crawled into bed with him he kept looking at me with a smirk on his face who you looking at like that I say to notti wym I can look at my bestie now he say ok bet notti say no I was just playing I say to notti then I laid on his chest and he started to rub my back(yes we was eating our snacks and stuff and watched another movie ----------------------------------------------- the movie then end( I'm got to go notti say but whyy lay say to Nott in a whining voice cuz I got to handle business wit DD & DDOT ok lay said in a sad voice come on now I got to go now give me a hug I said there and looked at him mad COME HERE ‼️ notti say I then got up and rap both my arms around his neck and he hugged my waist which gave me butterflies (I love you bestie be safe ok I say to notti) always and I love you to bestie and when I leave don't open this door for no body aight notti say ok I say then walked him to the door and he left I locked the door behind him.

I then go back in my room and think about how lucky I am to have a finest Bestie ever😩🤭----------------------to be continued

************************************Y'all I am so sorry if I get ya mixed up with the lay & I so I'm just ganna do I
Hope y'all like this story will update soon byee❤️✨

just friends./ToXiC Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें