"It's basically another name for instant transmission." Megumi answers.
"What's that?" you question again.

"Ya know, it's a Jujutsu teleportation technique used in the Gojo clan." Megumi retorts, getting frustrated.

You're dumbfounded, cocking an eyebrow and tilting your head. "What's Jujutsu?!"

Megumi freezes, mouth agape. "Fuck! I spilled this shit to a civilian! She's Nanami's daughter though, how could she not know? That doesn't matter though! Damnit Megumi-" the boy panicked as his thoughts were cut off.

Nobara looked at him in shock. "You really fucked up."

Megumi glared, "Like you need to tell me that." he spat.

"Itadori, where the hell are you?!" Megumi screamed internally.


Yuji sneezed, "Fushiguro's gonna kill me when we get back, isn't he?!" Yuji sighs

"Probably." Gojo says nonchalantly as the two of them walk to the camera room to meet the officers from the week prior.

"Gojo, what are we gonna do if they decide to charge me with something?" Yuji slightly panics.

"Well, hopefully they don't, but on the off chance they do, we have a lawyer ready. Just relax. Still, lie like your life is on the line if everything goes south." Gojo reassures.

"Okay." Yuji says, biting his lip.

The two males walk into the camera room with the chief of police and two police officers waiting along with a neutral third party.

"Good afternoon everyone." Gojo greets.

The others part their mouths to speak and the tape viewing starts to go smoothly.

"Well Mr. Itadori, the tape seems to be clear. There's no trace of you entering or leaving Miss. Nanami's room. However, we do have a concern about a potential crime." the chief says. The man then looks at one of the two officers and he starts to speak.

"Yes, as the chief has said before, your name is cleared regarding going into Miss Nanami's room, however, there was blood on the walls and floor just outside of her room. Now, on the tapes, a pill bottle is present on the ground, but when we checked Miss. Nanami's room, it was gone." the officer starts, looking sternly at Itadori. "Mr. Itadori, I know on the tapes your name is cleared, but I was one of the officers who searched Miss. Nanami's room that day and I saw a pill bottle roll out from beneath her bed and a hand reaching to grab it." the officer admits.

Yuji is shitting his pants, trying to think of a good enough lie to break free of the corner he's been put in, but failing.

"Officer, you saw it on the tapes, I wasn't there!" Yuji protested.

"Mr. Itadori, we also have another piece of information that you may want to hear. We know that the blood belonged to your legal guardian, Satoru Gojo. We also know that those were his antidepressant pills. Zoloft to be specific." the officer finished, looking at the third party.

The neutral third party, a small woman, stood up. "Mr. Itadori, to prove that you weren't present in (Y/n) Nanami's room one week ago today, please follow me so that I can strip search you for evidence." the lady walked off, Itadori following behind with both officers to the back of him.

As Yuji was taken to another room to be searched, the chief of police talked with Gojo about Itadori's history. Gojo learns that an anonymous tip was given to officers about Gojo's medicine and he knows just who to blame.

Soon Yuji comes back with the neutral third party and the two officers, concern written on Yuji's face.

"Yuji Itadori was clean of any pills or weapons. Though this is proof that he wasn't in Miss. Nanami's room, there is a bigger problem at hand." the woman spoke.

"You're right." the chief spoke. "We've preserved as much blood as we could from the shattered glass from Miss. Nanami's old room that the criminal broke into. We'll be doing a DNA comparison in just a second." the chief informed.

Yuji shook, hands sweating in his deep pockets. As he went to take his band out of his right pocket, a singular pil fell onto the floor, the entire room pausing.

Itadori kept his composure as the woman picked the pill up and put it into a plastic bag. Little words were said before Yuji was led to a lab to have his blood drawn. It would take 15 minutes for the DNA results to be compared and the pill to be examined, a long enough time for Yuji to say goodbye.

As Yuji was released into the lobby until the pill and his blood were tested, he went to his friends, acting as if nothing happened, but taking (Y/n) into his arms.

"Pinks, you're back!" you exclaim.

"Yo, what's up guys. Sorry I had a meeting." Yuji waves, wrapping his arms around your neck and shoulders from behind.

"Oh, so that's what this is about?" Megumi grumbles.

"Yea, sorry about that man!" Yuji laughs.

Yuji only had a couple minutes left as he needed a few to himself before seeing his friends.

Everyone knew something was off: his voice, complexion, and composure all our od sync with each other. His face screamed nauseous while his voice was stained with fear.

One minute turned into two, and two into three, and three into four before officers swarmed the lobby.

Yuji nearly shit his pants, realizing he was too late. "G-Guys I'm coming I swear. I just wanted to talk to my friends. I was coming back!" Yuji panicked.

"Yuji Itadori, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law." an unfamiliar officer spoke.

Yuji stared, concerned. "What?!"

Gojo walked up to Itadori, bearing the bad news. "They knew that the pill that fell out of your pocket was my Zoloft. The DNA test also came back, 95.89% of your DNA. There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry." Gojo said coldly.

Itadori dropped to his knees, eyes pouring tears. "It wasn't me! I swear to God, it wasn't me! It was- Gojo! Gojo you know it wasn't me! Say something! Do something! You bastard!" Yuji screamed as the officers cuffed him and started to drag him away.

The officer dragging him away let his guard down for one second, just enough for Yuji to run to you.

Yuji pressed his lips to yours quite hard before he was harshly yanked away.



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