Jshlatt's son?

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Jshlatt's POV:Finally getting home I smiled as I picked my son up and kissed his forehead causing him to giggle. "Your mama would've loved you just as much as I do" getting a bottle ready for him I put him on the couch and played Mikey mouse as he clapped his hands. Finally hearing the microwave ding I grabbed it to make sure it wasn't to hot. Holding him on my legs. (A/N:like he's sitting with his legs together as close as he can,with Tommy laying on them,and him having his arm on the side of Tommy's body) I started to feed him not sure how to do it right but he seemed really hungry as he drank the whole bottle.

"Really must be hungry Tubs" getting up I grabbed a towel and put him on my shoulder then started to burp him then once I did I place him in his crib. Smiling softly as I caressed his cheek I knew I would protect him with my life. Hearing a knock I went to the door holding my bat just in case. "Hello?" "Hey" "oh Quackity,it's just you come in but be quiet. I got Tubbo to quiet down" "Ah okay" he walked in and I shut the door,going to get him some water and snacks I heard Tubbo crying.

"Daddy's coming daddy's coming!" Running to Tubbo's room I opened it and picked him up I bounced him around,he doesn't need a diaper change so what is it? Carrying him to the living room Quackity 'awed' at my son which I would to as he's my pride and joy. Sucking on his finger I got his pacifier which he took. "Quackity this is my son,Tubbo" "muy bonito" "wabab abbe Lala!" "Yes he is pretty" kissing his forehead and cheek he giggled and squealed. Sitting down maybe I can finally have a happy family with Quackity and my son Tubbo.

A fathers son:Yandere Modern Dream SMP x TommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now