Chapter 3

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Hey guys, I'm here with a new chapter, hope you like it

Enjoy the story :)


I entered without any problem the infinite train with Kyojurou and started investigating the demon, seems like his presence is difficult to find, even with my ability to sense aura

After some time we decided to rest for a while, then continue the search

Rengoku: what about we eat something? I'm getting hungry

Y/n: I agree, I'm getting hungry myself with all that recognition, this was supposed to be those kid's job, where are they?

Rengoku: I don't know, they were supposed to come in at the last station

Y/n: I see...

Then an assistant brought us our food and we started to eat

Y/n: *munch* *munch* hey, this is delicious, how about yours Kyojurou?

Rengoku: umai!

Y!n: huh?

Then he started saying "delicious" every time he ate a bite, and he ate more than 5 plates. I have no problem with people who eats a lot (hangs out a lot with Mitsuri) but listening to him shouting "umai!" Every bite is a bit... tedious

Then I saw the three recruits arriving at our wagon of the train

Rengoku: umai!

Zenitsu: em, Tanjiro, is this really the flame pillar?

Tanjiro: yep

Zenitsu: he's not just a glutton

Tanjiro: yep

Rengoku: umai!

Tanjiro: yes, I figured...

Y/n: he's being like this for ten minutes already, don't worry about it

Tanjiro: AH, Y/n I didn't see you there for a moment

Y/n: it's ok, Im good at hiding my presence, sometimes accidentally...

I don't know if I want to laugh or if I want to cry... as Tanjiro questioned my existence Zenitsu was trying to stop Inosuke from jumping out of the window

Tanjiro: by the way Rengoku-San, I've been wanting to ask you something

Rengoku: tell me young Kamado

Tanjiro: well it's about this thing I have called "the dance of the sun god" that my father did to ask the sun god for good luck even when he was very ill and could barely move

Rengoku: well your father was a very diligent man, become my tsuguko young Kamado, I'll take good care of you- he said without changing his expression

Tanjiro: em excuse me?

Y/n: jajaja, don't worry about him, Kyojurou is the less focused person in the world when talking, he's like that

Tanjiro: I see...

Y/n: but that's indeed impressive Tanjiro, to pray doing a dance while ill is no easy task, a great spirit and resilience is needed to do something like that

Tanjiro: well he used a certain breathing technique that allowed him to dance all night long

Hmm? Breathing technique? Dance all night long... wait

The samurai who became demon slayer (demon slayer x male reader) (fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz