The Storm

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"Life's not fair," thought Ryder as he went to grab a canvas bag that he hadn't touched in more than a year. He sighed, today was the day to pick up his pup's prescriptions. That shouldn't have been too much of an issue. He had even offered to pick up Rex's meds as a favor to Dr. Turbot. However, the storm rolling in out of nowhere complicated things. Now, he would have to trudge through the rain under darkened skies. Furthermore, since the paper bag Katie usually gave him would get destroyed by the rain, he needed to grab this old canvas. It wasn't like this hadn't happened before, but the last time was well over a year ago, when Zuma was still dealing with those "infections." Hence why he hadn't touched the bag in more than a year. Ryder shuddered. That was not a particularly pleasant memory to think about.

As he was about to head out the door, Ryder suddenly heard a scream from the living/playroom. Worried one of the pups might be in trouble, he raced into the room only to see a cat wearing a Christmas sweater, a top hat and with absurdly long claws on the tv screen. Ryder immediately grabbed the remote and returned to the Howlu main menu.

"Now pups," he began, "I think you all just found out why I told you that you were not allowed to watch Bad Dream on Oak Street.

The six shivering pups nodded.

Ryder, confident they had learned their lesson from the experience, asked, "Now, will you be good pups, and watch one of the things I said you could as I go and run this errand."

The six nodded in confirmation.

"Good," said Ryder as he put on Labatar: the Last Pupbender.

As he walked out the Lookout doors, Ryder had noticed that Zuma had followed him. Curious, he turned his head toward the Lab, and asked what he was doing.

"I well, um, have to welieve myself," admitted a red cheeked Zuma.

Ryder nodded in understanding, and the Lab trotted off toward the trees. Instead of continuing on, Ryder stood there, keeping an ear out for any indication that this was causing him any discomfort. Only after Zuma returned and headed back into the Lookout, did Ryder feel he could continue on. As he continued on his way, he asked himself, "What's wrong with you, it's been more than a year, he doesn't have an infection, Katie confirmed that during his last checkup, stop worrying." Ryder then took a deep breath and started repeating, "Zuma is fine, he does not have an infection, Zuma is fine, he does not have an infection," to calm himself. However, after a block and 1/2, he ran into what appeared to be said Labrador.

"Zuma?!" asked Ryder incredulously.

The Lab looked up at him confused.

"Jacob," called a boy from up the street, "you're falling behind."

"Coming Dexter!" responded the Lab, before running over to the boy.

Ryder than put his hand over his face. "Snap out of it Ryder, Zuma's fine, just get to the parlor and pick up the pills," he reminded himself.

When he got to the parlor, Katie was already there waiting for him, and as soon as he opened the canvas bag, Katie dropped several pill bottles into it. Ryder then thanked her and headed out the door. Once outside again, Ryder took a couple more deep breaths. "Come on Ryder, you know none of these prescriptions are for him, you don't have to look over the prescriptions to calm yourself, you can make it back without doing that just fine," he said to himself encouragingly. However, as he continued walking, he was suddenly hit with flashbacks of Zuma moaning in pain and the smell from his incontinence. At this point, knowing he wouldn't be able to make it home without doing that, Ryder made a beeline for Mr. Porter's restaurant. As soon as he arrived, he sat down at one of the tables and pulled the first pill bottle out of the bag. The prescription read:

PAW Patrol Outside The Missions #28:The StormWhere stories live. Discover now