Still Chapter 1

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        Juntan placed a hand to his chest.

    Ba-dump ba-dump... His heart rang out at such speeds that it felt like an alarm bell.

(What is this...?)

He'd never felt his heart pounding so loud before.
Exiting the bath, Juntan put on the white shirt and trousers that were prepared for him, carelessly looped the tie around his neck, and headed into the next door. A long table stood in the room's center adorned with lit candles. And just beside the fireplace, Tiketo sat reading a book.

As the boy approached, Tiketo raised his face from the book he was reading and slowly looked over Juntan from head to toe.

"Those are clothes I wore as a child. They fit you well."

Tiketo rose to his feet. He was slightly taller, so Juntan had to look up to meet his gaze.
Reaching out, Tiketo guided the tie into its designated position, fixing it into a perfect knot.

"You need to wear your tie properly." Tiketo explained, taking a moment to re-tie what was around Juntan's neck. "It might be a bit tight, but you'll have to bear with it. It's not just about keeping yourself well-groomed; it's a matter of courtesy. Etiquette is very important."

A grand meal was lined up in front of one of the seats at the long table. There was a basket filled with a mountain of fresh bread, a piping hot bowl of soup with steam rising from its surface, and juicy grilled meats whose savory scents filled the room.

Just then, Juntan's stomach began to growl.

"The stray dog is hungry huh?" Tiketo couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, eat to your heart's content."

"Eh..? Why?"

"Because you're a child." He plainly answered.

"And a child's job is to eat well, sleep well, and study well. Come on, eat up before it gets cold."

With the delicious aromas flooding his nose, Juntan couldn't hold back one moment longer. 
He immediately grabbed the nearest cut of meat with his bare hand and ferociously began devouring it.

Tiketo reacted instantaneously. "Hey, hey! Hold it right there!" He scolded. "You really are a stray dog huh? Those sorts of table manners are unacceptable. It's unrefined. You must be properly seated and eat using a fork and knife."

Acting as his teacher, Tiketo stood behind Juntan's seat and carefully took hold of his hands, guiding them to show how to correctly use the utensils. Juntan was initially startled by the touch of those slender white hands atop his own. For some reason, he couldn't shake the nervous feeling that persisted. 

"Yes, that's right. Very good." Tiketo remarked from behind him.
"You're a fast learner. And you memorize things well too."

The praise left Juntan feeling a tad embarrassed. He continued to eat, with Tiketo's dining etiquette in mind. Just as the plate of food was almost finished, Tiketo paused briefly to pour some tea.

"This is milk tea." He explained, placing the cup near Juntan. "I put plenty of milk and sugar in it so that even a child would love it."
Tea was a luxury typically enjoyed by nobility, so Juntan hadn't ever tried it before.

He took a sip. The tea had a subtle astringent tone amid a pleasant sweetness, and the taste quickly spread throughout his mouth. As the soothing liquid passed through his throat, he felt a pleasant warmth radiate from his chest.

"...So delicious."

"It is, isn't it?" Tiketo grinned, his chest swelling with pride. "That's because this is the Branch family's signature Silk River tea."
The two sat and enjoyed their tea together. Afterward, Tiketo started up a serious discussion.

"So, who hired you to kill me? Who is your client?"

"I don't know." Juntan answered in all honesty.

"I won't tell anyone if you confess. I wouldn't tattle anyway, seeing as I'm the target. So tell me the truth."

"I really don't know." Juntan repeated. "The client never showed me his face. I don't even know his name. All he told me was that he'd pay me a large sum of money if I killed you."
Tiketo furrowed his brow. "You have no idea who the client is, yet you accepted his request to murder me? All for the sake of money?"

Juntan only nodded.

Okey a Little more to go and end :D

And I will search when juntan is a little bit older :D

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