Chapter 16

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Louis chokes.

Everyone at the table stares at him in shock, and Harry thumps his back, barely concealing his amusement.

Both mumble nonsense detailing a vague story, avoiding the topic of hating each other, closets, and socks.

That is not something Louis' grandparents need to hear.

"Are you both saving yourself for marriage?" Louis' grandmother asks.

Harry turns red, clearing his throat and looking at his plate, Lottie chokes, laughing. His mother looks embarrassed, barely concealing her laughter.

"I- I guess not... Nothing to be ashamed of. As long as you're being safe." 

"Oh my god." Harry mutters.

Louis snorts.

Everyone at the table still looks awkward, and they move on from the conversation.


That night, Harry laughs for ten minutes. "Saving yourself for marriage- saving yourself for marriage- oh my god-" he wheezes, lying on his back on the floor.

Louis sits on his chest, slapping him. "Stop it, you wanker."

"Get off me, you oaf. You're so heavy-"

"Shut up, quirky plant boy." Louis huffs.

Harry keeps laughing, broad chest heaving. "Don't be so upset, darling." He says, hands settling on Louis' thighs.

"I'd love to just choke you to death right now." Louis mutters.

"I don't know if you're kinky or a psychopath." Lottie says from the doorway. "Either way, come downstairs."

Harry starts cackling, almost throwing Louis off.

Louis stands, rolling his eyes when Harry grabs his ankle.

"Why do we have to go downstairs?" He asks, looking at Lottie.

"Because mum thinks you two are two antisocial and will lack people skills in the future because you spend all of your time up here on top of each other."

"That's a fair observation." Harry muses.

"I will stomp on your ballsack." Louis threatens. Harry's hands move to cover his crotch.

"But then you can't have children!" Lottie exclaims.

Louis snorts. "Please. Harry's the bottom."

Lottie pulls a face. "Tmi, bro."

Harry stands, still covering his crotch, and he skips downstairs.


Louis and Lottie are playing Mario Kart, yelling and screaming at each other like, according to Harry, "howler monkeys on crack and vodka."

Harry himself is helping their mother in the kitchen. They're baking something, and Harry keeps cackling.

"Bet you a tenner she's telling him embarrassing stories about you." Lottie says.

"Shut up, Lots. Nothing about me is embarrassing."

"What about your little Power Rangers phase?" She says. 

"I did not have a Power Rangers phase." Louis scoffs.

"Tell that to eight year old you." She snorts.

"Excuse you?" Louis says.

"How did I not realise you were gay?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're so- flamboyant. The wrist, the annoyed hair flick. You- you're just so- gay. But at the same time you're so.... Disgustingly masculine. With the football and the straight guy vocabulary and always getting into fights and how you can't multitask and you get angry when people say something you don't like cause your masculinity is actually really fragile." Lottie says.

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