Chapter 1- start of school

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It was a Monday morning, first day of school. I knew Carter would be back at it again, but I can't lie I kinda enjoyed our little banters they're funny. Carter is my worst nightmare, the funny guy, the popular guy, also that guy that banters with me back and forth. He is jerk wad though. Ofc this school year I have almost all my classes with him.

I get to class a bit early because I didn't wanna be late. Carter is late, ofc he is. He comes in looks around the room, and our eyes meet. He smirks, then comes and sits right next to me. He gets his stuff situated but while he is I can't help but check him out. This summer he kinda... got hot. He looks over at me and looks me up and down. Then he gives me a confused look, that's when I realized I'm literally staring at Carter!! Omg I look away so fast, but he just sits there and chuckles. "Like what you see Marissa?" OMG ofc he'd say something dumb like that. "No you just look different" I said so awkwardly he sassily replies saying "good different?" I just blankly say "No" he looks offended a little he turns and looks down but says "Wow I was gonna say you are looking kinda fine yourself but ok I see how it is" I can't believe he just said that. He makes me so mad. He only said that to try and make me feel bad or something. I can't lie though he's looking pretty good this school year.

That one kid in class Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora