Chapter 21 - Annoying

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You woke up and realized that you were still at Eddie's. You got up and went to the kitchen and made french toast for you, Eddie, and Wayne.

After you finished, you set up the table and went to wake Eddie up.

"Eds, time to wake up," You said as you lightly shook him. Eddie woke up and gently grabbed both of your hands. He pulled you down onto him and you gasped.
"Come on Eds, we gotta get ready for school," You said. Eddie kissed you softly and put his hands on your waist. You kissed him back and you put your hips against his, causing him to groan.

   "Again," Eddie said sleepily.

   "Do what again?" You asked with a smile. Eddie pulled your hips to his again.
   "Come on Eds, it's time to get up," You said as you got off of Eddie.

   "Why can't we just skip?" Eddie asked.

   "Because we have a science test today. Now come on sleepyhead, I made french toast," You said, and Eddie got up.

You both ate and when Wayne didn't get up, you put the french toast in a container for him with a note. Eddie got dressed and you both grabbed your stuff. You put your shoes on and went outside. Eddie helped you in the van, got in, and started driving.

   "Do you want to stop at your house for a pair of clothes?" Eddie asked.

   "Yes please," You replied, and Eddie drove to your place.

When you got to your house, you went inside and quickly changed. You ran downstairs and out the door. You got into Eddie's van and he drove to school.

(Skipping to end of school day.)

The last bell rang and you and Robin waited for Eddie at the entrance. When he finally arrived, everyone had already left, except for the people who had clubs. Both Eddie and Robin had to use the bathroom, so you waited outside for them. You saw Aiden walk up to you. Fuck. You thought to yourself.

   "Hey y/n. What's up?" Aiden asked.

   "Nothing much, just waiting for a couple of people," You replied, trying to sound friendly.

   "You sure you don't wanna hang out?" Aiden asked.

   "Aiden, I'm sure. I have work, and I'm just waiting for Eddie and Robin to get out of the bathroom so that Eddie can take Robin and I to work," You replied.

   "Eddie's taking you?" Aiden asked.

   "Yeah, why?" You asked.

   "I'm just surprised you took such a step down from Jason," Aiden said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked skeptically.

"You went from dating the coach of the basketball team to hanging out with the freak," Aiden replied.

   "He's not a freak Aiden. If you're going to call him one, then you'll never have a chance of hanging out with me," You said.

   "Since when do you care about people calling him a freak? What is he your boyfriend or something?" Aiden asked.

   "I've always cared. I was never able to show it, and-" You said.

   "And for the record, I am in fact her boyfriend. So I'd appreciate it if you left her alone," Eddie cut you off. Thank god. You thought to yourself.

   "Whatever freak," Aiden scoffed before starting to walk away. You went to go after him, but Eddie grabbed your hand. You turned to face him and gave him the "let me go" look, but he just shook his head. You took a deep breath and let it out, and then you, Robin, and Eddie went outside.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon